NRL22 Hunter style matches?

Mr. Wolf

Full Member
Feb 27, 2013
I really enjoy the NRL Hunter matches.
It's not as grueling as full on field matches like Mammoth but mixes in some field elements to make it practical.
What I don't like about NRL Hunter matches is loading ammo, looking for your brass after each stage, and not as many events as NRL22 and NRL22X matches.

Anyone know of matches that resemble NRL Hunter but for 22LR?
Any discussions on whether NRL is looking to develop NRL Hunter 22?

Thanks in advance!
There are a couple of nrl 22 Hunter style matches at Arena Training Facility (southwest Georgia) each year.
SH has some amazing resources. I found the link for the Areana Hunter like 22LR match from last year, but no announcement yet for this year.

I'll have to stalk their website and see.

Muddy Creek runs 22 hunter matches
Found the Muddy Creek event here:

Thank you and post them up here!
The NRL Hunter Match at Arena Training Facility is a good one. I have shot a couple there. Targets were all animals ranging from 70yd - 300yd It is an X match so you’ll find the new matches posted on the NRL22 schedule after or right before the nationals match that’s in June and on Arenas Facebook page. They are fun take a cart tho there’s quite a bit of walking involved if you don’t want to carry all your gear a couple miles throughout the day. The stages were paced out about 1/8 mile give or take between them. The last one they had there was a 2 day X match Sat then Hunter match on Sun.
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Its back to back with a NRL22X match on Saturday and the hunter match on Sunday. I actually drew up the targets and they are all North American animals, not just boring old squares and circles.
NRL22 Hunter and NRL22X matches in WY?
Do you have to hold more wind than elevation?
I bet it gets sporty!

I hope that these field style 22 completion games start to become popular.
NRL22 Hunter and NRL22X matches in WY?
Do you have to hold more wind than elevation?
I bet it gets sporty!

I hope that these field style 22 completion games start to become popular.
Yeah can't always just hold on the edge of the plate out here. Plus a stout wind will blow you around more than the bullet.

After I went to my first centerfire NRL Hunter match, I have been all for encouraging them here. There will be more popping up around here now that the head of the PRO(outlaw) series went to the first one at Compound 21.

They just take a little more acreage to set up. The land that compound 21 puts on their matches is almost 40 acres. The 22 Hunter match is on 100+ acres.
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Doug Boze hosted two hunter matches at Gadsden in the last 6 months. First was individual, and second was team. We were not able to make the team match, but the individual was a blast.
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