More important is what do you like. Personally I have no love for the vortex ebr-7 rets I like the older ebr-2 better. But that is me I know guys who think the ebr-7 is yada yada yada so good.
For competition currently I like the Minox ZP5 best with the Minox LR as close second. For hunting my list is different of course.
For NRL22 type competitions I feel that many reticles are to thin. For centerfire its great because distance is greater. My current 22lr favorite is IOR as it has a "very" thick reticle. This also is why the Minox LR is nice. The center is nice and thick so for close targets you can dial down the magnification and have a good aiming point and easy see 0.2, 0.4 mil wind holds. But then the rest of the ret is very thin so you wouldnt see the other hash marks as easy. ZP5 is a slightly thicker ret and is a more uniform design and is great for CF and ok for RF.
You asked for opinions right lol! Go look at as many as you can and make your own opinion.