Hunting & Fishing NV question for coyote hunters


Full Member
Feb 8, 2012
Lower Alabama
After years with no problem, yote dogs have killed one of my newborn calves. I ordered a bull barrel ar kit, however, lowers are nowhere to be found. (Refuse to pay prices wanted) I intended to buy a nv scope for this rifle, but it looks like I will be using a bolt gun instead. What scope would be recommended for a bolt action and also be able to use on ar if able to get lower reciever one day? Thought about laser genetics also. Any help would be appreciated because cows, shift work, kids and free time for indepth searches don't mix. Any input from ranchers and what they do or use would be greatly appreciated also.
Re: NV question for coyote hunters

Depends what you want to do. There are many NV systems that clip on in front of optics on a firearm. You have your PVS-22, 24 and 27 from TNVC (Victor is on here) or go the KAC route PVS-26.
You could also look at a DBAL system or try to find a AN-PAQ, AN-PAC type IR laser illuminator and a PVS-14 or use a PVS-14 monocular in front of an M68. Cheapest route is a PVS-14 with an M68 it also offers you more flexibility IMO. The PVS-14 can be used for walking around (head harness) or mounted on a firearm.

For long range the PVS-27 from TNVC or KAC PVS-26 are the cats meow but at the cost of over $10,000 it is a bit prohibitive for most people. The PVS-22 is a good alternative.

What state are you located in? You might check around, there are probably more than 1 or two guys on here that have a good head on their shoulders, that wouldn't mind eradicating some yotes for you! It would save you some money.

Re: NV question for coyote hunters

Best bet for you is to call Vistor when they are open. He'll give you the rpo's and cons. Look in the Optics NVG section.

Good luck! I had fun in OK gunning down some yotes a few years ago. Same issue with them moving in on my friends calves! There are three less yotes on his property.

A recommendation, find where they move in from and set range stakes (off the trail, don't want your sent on their trail). It will help with accurate shooting at night when range estimation is a bit more difficult.
Re: NV question for coyote hunters

For dedicated scope D-740 or 760. For in front a scope CNVD-LR or CNVD depending on what magnification you intend to use. Or use a IR pointer and illuminator (like a DBAL-D2) on your AR and just shoot heads up putting the green dot on the yote and pulling the trigger. Personally we use one man on a scoped gun with a CNVD-LR and one of us with an AR and a DBAL-D2 for anything inside 75 yds.
Re: NV question for coyote hunters

Donkey?! I don't know how big your property is but these guys will take care of your yote issue. Plus save you from staying up til the late hours.

Best platform I've used is a PVS-14 with 3x magnification using a Eotech.

But you're talking over 3k worth of equipment
Re: NV question for coyote hunters

What's your location and what kind of distance are you expecting your shots to be?

I mostly just shoot them out of the truck/tractor with a Lightforce 140 in one hand and a rifle in the other.

A chunk of meat on an offshore treble hook hung from a tree limb leaves a bad taste in their mouth too...
Re: NV question for coyote hunters

Appreciate the responses guys. Just as athhud, I am from the great state of Alabama. My ranges are hampered by neighbors and their horses(never know where they are), trees, dirt roads, and my horizontally challenged land layout. It makes shotgun shooting ranges really iffy and this was where I thought the quick following shots of the ar would shine.
As for the nv equipment, I could also use this on summer deer permits. It doesn't take many calves to offset the price! One question for those that might know. Could this be written off on taxes as a farm expense?