NY Times Op Ed Essay


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • Nov 6, 2011
    Anyone read it?

    Smells like BS virtue signalling to me.

    Never saw media use more "anonymous" sources than I have since 2016.

    John Hancock was unabashed in his Patriotism and signed his signature to prove it so.

    Our new "Patriots" seem to lack the balls to stand by their convictions.

    The swamp is very swampy.

    Now cue BBBB and Avicukoo to come beat their chests.

    What a load of BS.

    No detail, no specifics.

    Its the lefts version of QAnon.

    Some nameless individual/like minded group will "Save the Country".

    Basically if you dont adopt the failing policy of the left "Patriots" in the admin will "resist"?

    Its not even written well, too much chest thumping and donning a mantle of exceptionalism.

    Cant wait until this blows up on "The Failing" NYT.
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    They are trying to create distrust in the White House. Also they don't want Trump getting the credit for the things he has done.
    So to get this straight- in order to prevent a Constitutional crisis we have a cadre of unelected nameless actors of unknown politics with no oversight running the show? If the OpEd happens to be true this is the implication and some people need to be taken out back and shot. The writer is a McCain sycophant so you know which side their bread is buttered on. Takes a liberal to think you must circumvent the Constitution to save it.
    So to get this straight- in order to prevent a Constitutional crisis we have a cadre of unelected nameless actors of unknown politics with no oversight running the show? If the OpEd happens to be true this is the implication and some people need to be taken out back and shot. The writer is a McCain sycophant so you know which side their bread is buttered on. Takes a liberal to think you must circumvent the Constitution to save it.

    Tough to laugh at Trumps claim of a "Deep State" establishment while the New York Times gushes over it.

    Oh Im sorry as the writer opines "Steady State"

    I see it more as QAnon for libs.

    Both sides need to realize some "anonymous" entity in gov isnt going to take their snout out of the trough to save us......

    We must save ourselves.
    Except the New York Times isn't some teenager writing limmiricks on 4Chan for baby boomers to decipher.

    The DEEP State is just guys taking papers off of Trump's desk.

    Writer only gets half credit for trying to save a shred of credibility. If he had any balls he'd publicly resign and testify that the President isn't fit to lead.

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    Man, you are one totalitarian SOB. The moment things don't go your way you throw out all law and turn to naked force. It's all you understand. Just like Mao, you think all political force emanates from the barrel of a gun. Then you pay yourself on the back at how virtuous you are. Sick.
    We are definitely, certainly, without question going to end up shooting at each other. You will keep resorting to force and violence till we won't take it anymore, and we will have no choice but to fight you and restore The Republic. If you are successful in impeaching this President over invented crimes it will happen so fast it will make your head spin.
    Except the New York Times isn't some teenager writing limmiricks on 4Chan for baby boomers to decipher.

    The DEEP State is just guys taking papers off of Trump's desk.

    Writer only gets half credit for trying to save a shred of credibility. If he had any balls he'd publicly resign and testify that the President isn't fit to lead.

    View attachment 6941073

    You are right the New York Times is one of the Communist orgs that ran with the fake news Lanny Davis story of two weeks ago.

    Man "Low Energy Jeb" - "Please Laugh".

    Agreed if the writers feelings are legit resignation is the only path.
    Who’s is the “you?” The author is an appointee in the White House; a conservative and Republican.

    Is this situation bad? Bet your fucking bippy it is. And it comes from inside the White House ... has for a long time. Leaks, Woodward, now this shit? It ain’t the libs, or the Democrats.
    Except the New York Times isn't some teenager writing limmiricks on 4Chan for baby boomers to decipher.

    The DEEP State is just guys taking papers off of Trump's desk.

    Writer only gets half credit for trying to save a shred of credibility. If he had any balls he'd publicly resign and testify that the President isn't fit to lead.

    View attachment 6941073

    "The DEEP state is just people taking papers off Trumps desk", do even believe the garbage you type or do you just enjoy riling up the board?
    Who’s is the “you?” The author is an appointee in the White House; a conservative and Republican.

    Is this situation bad? Bet your fucking bippy it is. And it comes from inside the White House ... has for a long time. Leaks, Woodward, now this shit? It ain’t the libs, or the Democrats.

    "you" is BBBB.
    Writer only gets half credit for trying to save a shred of credibility. If he had any balls he'd publicly resign and testify that the President isn't fit to lead.

    If it were true you can bet your sweet subversive ass they already would have.

    Like I said this is only so everybody inside starts to distrust each other. The word everyone freaks about was used to make the person look like Pence. Thus taking the perp out of suspicion.

    Odds are 50/50 the NYT made it up. They are not news and should have no protection of the Constitution.
    Rumors of Trump declassifying Russia invest docs soon.

    Perhaps the deep state is in desperation mode and this is just a flailing tantrum.

    Tired of the "rumors" shit about declassifying already.

    The topic is too important to trust to the insiders to investigate.

    Let "We the People" see the evidence and decide for ourselves.
    • Like
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    Who’s is the “you?” The author is an appointee in the White House; a conservative and Republican.

    Is this situation bad? Bet your fucking bippy it is. And it comes from inside the White House ... has for a long time. Leaks, Woodward, now this shit? It ain’t the libs, or the Democrats.

    "Conservative", "Republican"?

    Like Jeff Flake? Like John McCain was? Like Robert Mueller?
    Rumors of Trump declassifying Russia invest docs soon.

    Perhaps the deep state is in desperation mode and this is just a flailing tantrum.

    Tired of the "rumors" shit about declassifying already.

    The topic is too important to trust to the insiders to investigate.

    Let "We the People" see the evidence and decide for ourselves.

    Didn’t think you were an optimist. ?
    Didn’t think you were an optimist. ?

    Very optimistic.

    I believe people to be generally good and that they will trend toward the right decision and even be altruistic in their decision making.

    Its what makes a Conservative different from Communists that believe humanity to be stupid and in need of an "Elite" to think for them or they will make bad choices. Can't even trust the rabble with dangerous instruments because they may hurt others (ie the Elite) with them.
    We are definitely, certainly, without question going to end up shooting at each other. You will keep resorting to force and violence till we won't take it anymore, and we will have no choice but to fight you and restore The Republic. If you are successful in impeaching this President over invented crimes it will happen so fast it will make your head spin.


    The left and the swamp are playing with a fire that they don't understand. The ferocity of retribution will be nasty.
    Honestly, he should have cleaned house first day in office. Every communist Obama appointee in the Executive Branch should have been fired, and he would have been well within his power to do so. They are free to reapply immediately. Then it wouldn't be riddled with treasonous traitors who owe their allegiance to the Federal Bureaucracy and The Left instead of the USA. Sucks that he had Deep State Prebius giving him advice.
    Honestly, he should have cleaned house first day in office. Every communist Obama appointee in the Executive Branch should have been fired, and he would have been well within his power to do so. They are free to reapply immediately. Then it wouldn't be riddled with treasonous traitors who owe their allegiance to the Federal Bureaucracy and The Left instead of the USA. Sucks that he had Deep State Prebius giving him advice.

    I don't understand why this is not done every administration. The people who whine "but but in house knowledge is lost" are part of the fucking problem.

    If the this problem of a professional ruling class isn't fixed peacefully, it will be fixed by force. And I doubt anyone really wants that.
    Honestly, he should have cleaned house first day in office. Every communist Obama appointee in the Executive Branch should have been fired, and he would have been well within his power to do so. They are free to reapply immediately. Then it wouldn't be riddled with treasonous traitors who owe their allegiance to the Federal Bureaucracy and The Left instead of the USA. Sucks that he had Deep State Prebius giving him advice.

    Part of the problem was Obam making many positions civil service prior to leaving.

    He knew exactly what he was doing.

    It made the whole sale shit canning a bit more difficult.

    He is not the only one, just the most malicious one.....


    Hope and Change!
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    Wait ... is the current president stupid or not? Is he playing 4D political chess or drooling into his cornflakes every morning because he's thwarted by his own mis-chosen appointees?

    The dichotomy presented here is startling in its hypocrisy. Own up to the fact that the American people, who some claim are neither stupid nor cruel, but rather arcing toward some teleological ur-Conservative utopia, elected this incompetent who can't even keep his own house straight. It's all right to admit it ... shit happens.
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    Wait ... is the current president stupid or not? Is he playing 4D political chess or drooling into his cornflakes every morning because he's thwarted by his own mis-chosen appointees?

    The dichotomy presented here is startling in its hypocrisy. Own up to the fact that the American people, who some claim are neither stupid nor cruel, but rather arcing toward some teleological ur-Conservative utopia, elected this incompetent who can't even keep his own house straight. It's all right to admit it ... shit happens.

    So you do think Americans are stupid and cruel....just reading your words.

    Guess Im right about the Communist world view, thanks for showing it.
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    Wait ... is the current president stupid or not? Is he playing 4D political chess or drooling into his cornflakes every morning because he's thwarted by his own mis-chosen appointees?

    The dichotomy presented here is startling in its hypocrisy. Own up to the fact that the American people, who some claim are neither stupid nor cruel, but rather arcing toward some teleological ur-Conservative utopia, elected this incompetent who can't even keep his own house straight. It's all right to admit it ... shit happens.
    That's what you leftists don't get. Either through stupidity or ignorance you think that liberalism is just the other side of your totalitarian coin. It isn't.

    Liberty is the opposite of authoritarianism, not a different version or different flavor of the same thing. We're not offering the lies of utopia that you peddle to fellow travelers and useful idiots.

    What we have to offer is specifically NOT utopia. It specifically states that you must do for yourself instead of being a parasite off others, or waiting to be rescued by the state. It specifically states that government (Force) is not the solution to all, or even most, of our problems. Indeed, we specifically state that we do not have a solution to The Human Condition, which is why we believe in Freedom of Religion, meaning public, in the public sphere, and on public display, is appropriate for a free people who think they're in need of saving.

    In short, you want to conflate the ideas like they were just a difference of opinion, and fifty years ago you would probably be right. The ideology that has infected and is now taking over the left has no Americanism or thinking of the Founding Fathers left in it, and pretending it does makes you look foolish.
    Hmmm. Whole lot of telling me what I wish, think, or don't get ... thinking Trump is incompetent has nothing to do with left wing ideology, as I am not of any wing, left or right. It has to do with the fact that he's incompetent.

    Who ever thought government was the solution to the human condition? Religion, particularly the Christian variety that plagues the United States, as a practice, is a set of rules, worse than government, that dislocates any sense of temporal, personal consequences for action without an inquisition. Collectively the religious may shout a great deal (and accomplish good works from time to time) but the individual lack of accountability that is in its very nature makes a mockery of your idea of liberty.

    I am frequently foolish ... I don't just look it. However, beating one's head continually against the same excuses for a man that doesn't deserve either support or those excuses, is likewise foolish.
    I don't have to love The President, and I don't. I can even hate him. To me he's a technician, not some cult of personality; The One. What a joke!

    I don't think with my emotions like a leftist does. I don't believe in utopia on this earth. I do, however, understand how dangerous you are because you do. I understand how believing you can perfect the human condition by (government) force perverts your mind into thinking that the ends justify any means. It isn't new, and it's the central theme to the form of government you support, which bears no resemblance to the republican form we have. I believe that is just the beginning. You will stop at nothing, and so we are learning to do the same. It will end, and it will end poorly. You who advocate for unrestricted government will bear the brunt of it, and your regrets will be like assholes.

    I disliked Donald Trump immensely. I have grown to I love him. Not for who he is, or even the plain, vanilla, Republican policies he's running. I only love him for what he's doing to you. I only love him because I he makes totalitarians, like the few who post here, crazy. Can he restore The Republic? Probably not. If it can be I think it will take another 100 years to undo the damage of the first Progressive Era. Civil war is much more likely.
    He has delayed the inevitable by turning back the clock on Totalitarian Progressivism. The more nuts he makes you the more I like him, because while you may be just a fool, your ideas about government are EVIL. Your virtue signaling is no different than any other totalitarian.

    Totalitarianism creates hell on earth, not utopia, and a lot of mean ass MFers on this site are sworn to fight you to the death. Trump represents a shift in tactics only. We're done playing Queensbury Rules with the POS politicians you put up there. From now on I'm only voting for the most vile, dirty pool MFers, who will show you enemies of The Republic no quarter. It is past time to hoist the black flag. The more you "win" the faster you bring on your destruction. While you may think that Progressive Totalitarianism is inevitable, just the opposite is true, because you can't help yourselves. You will take one freedom to many too fast, and it will be your end.

    Just so.
    Wait ... is the current president stupid or not? Is he playing 4D political chess or drooling into his cornflakes every morning because he's thwarted by his own mis-chosen appointees?
    So far he's outplayed every one of his opponents and has shown a propensity for the long game. I'm going to bet on you being frustrated yet once again.
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    Hmmm. Whole lot of telling me what I wish, think, or don't get ... thinking Trump is incompetent has nothing to do with left wing ideology, as I am not of any wing, left or right. It has to do with the fact that he's incompetent.

    Who ever thought government was the solution to the human condition? Religion, particularly the Christian variety that plagues the United States, as a practice, is a set of rules, worse than government, that dislocates any sense of temporal, personal consequences for action without an inquisition. Collectively the religious may shout a great deal (and accomplish good works from time to time) but the individual lack of accountability that is in its very nature makes a mockery of your idea of liberty.

    I am frequently foolish ... I don't just look it. However, beating one's head continually against the same excuses for a man that doesn't deserve either support or those excuses, is likewise foolish.

    You lost. Get over it and fuck right off.
    Hmmm. Whole lot of telling me what I wish, think, or don't get ... thinking Trump is incompetent has nothing to do with left wing ideology, as I am not of any wing, left or right. It has to do with the fact that he's incompetent.
    If Trump is incompetent we need to elect more like him. The competent have been able to nothing for decades. Nothing but try and screw us at every turn.

    Just like the Patriot Act that would keep us safe, and we would be protected from abuse. Then Obama decided to use it against the people by spying on Trump to prevent his election. Then to remove him once he was elected. Lime dust is a great name for a bitter person. Self evident is a phrase you don't understand. It means open your effin eyes.
    Hmmm. Whole lot of telling me what I wish, think, or don't get ... thinking Trump is incompetent has nothing to do with left wing ideology, as I am not of any wing, left or right. It has to do with the fact that he's incompetent.

    Who ever thought government was the solution to the human condition? Religion, particularly the Christian variety that plagues the United States, as a practice, is a set of rules, worse than government, that dislocates any sense of temporal, personal consequences for action without an inquisition. Collectively the religious may shout a great deal (and accomplish good works from time to time) but the individual lack of accountability that is in its very nature makes a mockery of your idea of liberty.

    I am frequently foolish ... I don't just look it. However, beating one's head continually against the same excuses for a man that doesn't deserve either support or those excuses, is likewise foolish.
    Well duh! Christianity is a plague and an infection. Who else in history has thought the same? Who else used power and force to your ends?
    Just sayin'. Your beliefs and values tell the story.
    Trump is a DC outsider and DC doesn't know what to do with him.
    Their culture is one of backroom deals, keeping information from the public, saying one thing and doing another, and then telling the voters something else completely.

    Trump is a businessman who is used to saying what he's going to do and then doing it.
    He's the same in public as he is in private. He is blunt, honest, abrasive, succinct, and rude at times.
    He doesn't give a shit about your feelings. He's not there for your feelings. He's there because he was sick of DC's bullshit and games at the expense of the nation's reputation, treasure, and position of influence in the world.
    He's sick of weak "leaders" who fumble-fuck their way around dealing with serious issues instead of taking them head on.

    They can't stand him. They can't control him. And they are failing at stopping him... and it's fucking killing them!

    I'm pretty sure this traitor will be outed and dealt with accordingly. Meanwhile, he keeps doing what he was hired to do. MAGA.
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    One thing to remind everybody....perhaps Limedust can read this by logging in from Moms PC....

    Everything Trump is doing he said he would do during his run for office.

    He told us he was going to break NAFTA, he told us he would seek to have better relations with Russia, he told us he would break the Iran deal and go after Kim, He told us he would use tarrifs, he told us he would reform taxes, he told us he would build a wall (and he owes us that wall fucker), he told us he would be the deporter in chief, he told us he would drain the swamp, he told us it would be America First in his dealings, in a round about way he even told us he grabs pussy.....

    .....and we elected him.

    Its is what we want, not what some cabal of entrenched government wants.

    Out the traitor.
    Remember the rules. Politics is OK. Religion is still taboo. Limedust is away for a while.

    I loved how he deflected from the topic by going down the religious rabbit hole. There seems to be a few of these fellow popping up recently. It is easy to tell that people are unhappy with the changes being made by Trump.
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    I loved how he deflected from the topic by going down the religious rabbit hole. There seems to be a few of these fellow popping up recently. It is easy to tell that people are unhappy with the changes being made by Trump.

    Religion challenges the primacy of the Communist State.....its been a target of theirs since day one.

    but I cant talk about that.
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    One thing to remind everybody....perhaps Limedust can read this by logging in from Moms PC....

    Everything Trump is doing he said he would do during his run for office.

    He told us he was going to break NAFTA, he told us he would seek to have better relations with Russia, he told us he would break the Iran deal and go after Kim, He told us he would use tarrifs, he told us he would reform taxes, he told us he would build a wall (and he owes us that wall fucker), he told us he would be the deporter in chief, he told us he would drain the swamp, he told us it would be America First in his dealings, in a round about way he even told us he grabs pussy.....

    .....and we elected him.

    Its is what we want, not what some cabal of entrenched government wants.

    Out the traitor.

    That is the problem they have. They have lived on this "WE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD" do nothing and switch party control, passing around the hat if you will. Everyone gets a shot at being on tv and getting rich. They forgot why you run for office. Trump said I was told anyone can be prez and he/she is supposed to help the country.

    Trump broke their cash cow toy and they are angry. And like Fig I wasnt a huge fan of anyone on the GOP side. but i did note how President Trump used the libs tactics against them and while I hated how dumb we looked sucking it up, i kinda liked it at the same time. About time someone fought back
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    Yep you wish we were still getting porked by every deal made over the last 30 years and you are attributing the current state of the economy to Obama..........delusional you are.
    Obama single handedly set our middle east foreign policy back at least a generation. People do not realize what he did. the entire middle is a mess soley due to his actions and lack of action. Our friends were kicked aside, manageable dictators were taken out in favor of radicals, decades old friendships ruined. Vacuums left open to be filled by Russia, China, and Iran, Countless opportunities to shape the ME outcomes lost.
    Agreed. I suspect the reason he doesn't is because he probably doesn't really exist.

    If that makes you feel better
    Okay, then who is responsible for the improved economy, low unemployment and changes to the poor trade deals the US was locked into?



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    It'd be interesting to have a display showing who's presently on time out/having to stand in the corner.......Just out of curiosity......;)

    Perhaps we could code in one of those memorial pages like the funeral home websites have, where you could pay to light a candle in tribute. Proceeds could go towards ammo purchases for @Lowlight to help fund those off topic videos he keeps insisting on posting, instead of joining in the mud slinging the site was designed for.
    I'll look into it. Great idea!