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OCD Alpha Munitions Brass

General RE LEE

Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Dec 29, 2022
Middle TN
I ordered Alpha M brass is 6.5 CM and 308 and a quick glance reveals there have been issues with this brass in the past. I thought this brass was the shit. Is it not? I wanted to load H4350 41.5 grains 143 ELD-X and go about my day.
The only issues I am aware of were pre-OCD and I'm not sure they were very widespread either. The OCD stuff I have is great, I'm sure you will love it.

Thank you. Did you have to adjust powder charges much or were you able to use previous load data? I’ve found 41.5 H4350 143 grain ELD-X 6.5 Creedmoor to work across multiple types of brass.
You should always work up from a known safe point when switching components, especially brass. But if saving yourself 4-5 extra reloads is worth damaging your rifle and/face, then that’s on you.
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You should always work up from a known safe point when switching components, especially brass. But if saving yourself 4-5 extra reloads is worth damaging your rifle and/face, then that’s on you.
Who has ever done more than damage brass/blow pockets by exceeding book max for the correct powder that will fit in the case?

The only way you can actually blow yourself up is fill the wrong powder, or have an obstructed barrel or a defective firearm.

I'm all for caution, but there is pretty much no scenario where you have a modern firearm, load to book max and do anything other than ruin a piece of brass and have a sticky bolt.

Should you be cautious? Yes. Are you going to "blow yourself up" using a reasonable load in a modern sporting firearm because you didn't "start 10% below max and work your way up?" No.

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Who has ever done more than damage brass/blow pockets by exceeding book max for the correct powder that will fit in the case?

The only way you can actually blow yourself up is fill the wrong powder, or have an obstructed barrel or a defective firearm.

I'm all for caution, but there is pretty much no scenario where you have a modern firearm, load to book max and do anything other than ruin a piece of brass and have a sticky bolt.

Should you be cautious? Yes. Are you going to "blow yourself up" using a reasonable load in a modern sporting firearm because you didn't "start 10% below max and work your way up?" No.

I didn’t say “blow up”, not sure where you got that from. If you want to argue that 60,000+ PSI of hot gas and debris leaking anywhere out of the action and not going down the bore is a-okay, well I’m afraid that is stupid. Even popping a primer, which is pretty easy to do, can wreak havoc on your bolt and injure your eyes.

My point was, this is the internet. If you don’t spell things out, someone will come along and do something they regret that was avoidable. If someone is asking these types of questions, they should probably be working up a load again.
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I’m pretty confident 41.5 grains H4350 that in my testing is no problem in Lapua, Hornady, Nosler brass, etc is not going to blow my gun or face off.

Thank you for the safety tip. Do you also follow kids around the mall whispering there is no Santa Claus?
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Who has ever done more than damage brass/blow pockets by exceeding book max for the correct powder that will fit in the case?

The only way you can actually blow yourself up is fill the wrong powder, or have an obstructed barrel or a defective firearm.

I'm all for caution, but there is pretty much no scenario where you have a modern firearm, load to book max and do anything other than ruin a piece of brass and have a sticky bolt.

Should you be cautious? Yes. Are you going to "blow yourself up" using a reasonable load in a modern sporting firearm because you didn't "start 10% below max and work your way up?" No.

That's a fine statement and all.

Not all firearms, owned by all the people that follow that statement, are made to the quality of Desert Tech.

Case in point.

Great load in WIN cases, not a great load in FC cases. Had case capacity been observed in each case. Or a simple 5 round ladder test in powder weights working up to the load there would of been no issue.

Shrapnel blown reward and face peppered. Okay, but could have been worse.

Don't give shitty advice.
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I ordered Alpha M brass is 6.5 CM and 308 and a quick glance reveals there have been issues with this brass in the past. I thought this brass was the shit. Is it not? I wanted to load H4350 41.5 grains 143 ELD-X and go about my day.
I was worried and heard the same stuff.
Should be no issues with your lot.
It was the early days of a production run that had issues. The "Pre- OCD" brass. The stuff they make now is great. I've got 600 cases of dasher and it's awesome.
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That's a sizing die issue. That would have happened with any brass given enough firings. Alpha brass being harder likely helped that guy get more firings before it was a problem. Other brass might have resulted in the same problem with as little as 1 or 2 firings.
That's a fine statement and all.

Not all firearms, owned by all the people that follow that statement, are made to the quality of Desert Tech.

Case in point. View attachment 8076956

Great load in WIN cases, not a great load in FC cases. Had case capacity been observed in each case. Or a simple 5 round ladder test in powder weights working up to the load there would of been no issue.

Shrapnel blown reward and face peppered. Okay, but could have been worse.

Don't give shitty advice.
That can also happens if you accidentally mix just one Federal or Lake City case in amongst a batch of Winchester. It has happened to me. And yet I don’t go through my batch of brass one by one inspecting head stamps to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

One could also measure the case capacity of every single one of their cases just to make sure that the manufacturer didn’t put a little too much brass in one thus reducing the capacity. One could also stomp up and down and make a coalition and petition the manufacturers to all make cases with a standard internal capacity, for safety reasons. Where does it end?

It is, after all, a minor mishap in the final analysis. The pocket is blown and some gas escaped. This is why we wear shooting glasses.

Don’t foster paranoia, promote common sense. And common sense says maybe that Winchester load oughta be reduced so if you accidentally get another FC case mixed in…
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Been waiting on the 308 SRP for a while now. Snapped up four boxes to go with an upcoming FTR build. I was pleasantly surprised by the info they sent out, including the AMP Aztec code. The 80 thou flash hole was a bit of a surprise, but after more research it sounds like it should be fine. Looking forward to trying it out - if my stock ever gets here 🤨
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Been waiting on the 308 SRP for a while now. Snapped up four boxes to go with an upcoming FTR build. I was pleasantly surprised by the info they sent out, including the AMP Aztec code. The 80 thou flash hole was a bit of a surprise, but after more research it sounds like it should be fine. Looking forward to trying it out - if my stock ever gets here 🤨

Yes the AMP code is great. Slightly annoying having to sacrifice a case but a small price to pay for precise annealing.

I like the 80 thou flash hole since my main purpose is an accurate hunting load with reliable ignition. I’m using CCI 450s.
I resize my brass (most calibers) by F/L die followed by a turning mandrel -.002 to set the neck diameter.

I purchased a box of 25 Creed Alpha brass to try, first thing I noticed was that a flat base .257 bullet would easily slide
.125 down into the case neck. Never had factory brass that you could slide a bullet partially into the neck.

So I try a .281 SAC bushing to reduce the neck only it did not touch the the neck, now most guys reloading the 25 Creed seem
to be using a .282 bushing. Next I get a .280 SAC bushing and it is making contact with the neck except its not reducing the neck enough for my turning mandrel to make any contact.

I finally get a .279 bushing, an oddball and I get the neck where I want it. The necks seem to be thin on my lot of brass, I should of just
used Lapua 6.5 creed brass (did use some and it worked fine with the .281 bushing) but wanted the correct headstamp to
keep from mixing up brass.

I am going to run this brass for a few cycles and see if it will hold up before I buy any more, accuracy SD and ES are fine.
Anyone get pressure signs with virgin OCD brass well below what would be considered a max charge? I was getting stiff bolt lift with 42.5 grains of Varget 178 grain ELD-X 2525 FPS 20” barrel. My Lapua LRP brass has no issues with 43.0 grains Varget at 2550 FPS.
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Such as what?

Pre-OCD brass was being complained about weekly on the 6gt FB group. It was always shut down with bad excuses as the reason people were having issues.

They even went as far as claiming high quality barrels such as bartlein must have been “tight bore” and causing the issues. Even when the same people weren’t having any issues with Hornady brassy and they had issues in multiple barrels with Alpha gen 1.

OCD was dubbed an “upgrade” and released in the two cartridges people were replicating problems in. Before they expanded the OCD line.

Now everything seems to be fine and OCD brass seems to be very high quality brass.

But the OP isn’t wrong about many, many complaints about the gen 1 brass in certain cartridges.

For the OP…..don’t worry about the OCD brass. Regardless if/what issues were in the past, the OCD brass is g2g.
Anyone get pressure signs with this brass well below what would be considered a max charge? I was getting stiff bolt lift with 42.5 grains of Varget 178 grain ELD-X 2525 FPS 20” barrel. My Lapua LRP brass has no issues with 43.0 grains Varget at 2550 FPS.
We tried warning you, but you can’t fix stupid 😂

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We tried warning you, but you can’t fix stupid 😂

I didn’t realize who you were originally but now I know I’m in the same thread as a fucking legend of shooting sports.