Oehler - BC ChronoTM System: System 89 Ballistic Coefficient Chronograph

Hi Davide,

Their website says "The exact price is still to be determined. We expect to match the price of a new scope."
But the attachment brochure says 1/5th cost of the System 88.
What the brochure does not say (Unless I missed it) is whether the System 89 will be exported or not, since the System 88 is listed as NOT exported.

Oehler Research started shipping the System '89 last month.

I've got thousands of rounds on one and run it simultaneously with Doppler radar. It gave the same BC number.

I've used it at distances from 100 yards to 2 miles.

It will measure velocity and TOF and calculate BC for you.
It will measure TOF only if you want to use some other device to measure velocity and do your own BC calculations.
It can also be used for velocity only.