Ok, so I got's the Rona. Feel awful, yet...I feel I could do a regular workout


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Nov 28, 2018
This is a very strange illness I'll say that. I didn't really think much about it till this morning. I'd been sniffling with allergies for about 3 weeks. I just figured it was the fact I chilled the house down and had the fan running the other night and I got stopped up.

So, admittedly I'm about 36-48 hours since I probably actually got it. So here are the symptoms I've got:

2) 100.6 fever
3) Burning chest (like Bronchitis).
4) slightly sore arms/burning skin (fever)
5) sweating like a pig
6) Sp02 is 96 to 97 (about what it always is)

But other than headache and maybe the chest, I have no doubt I could go do a 10-12 bike ride. Would it be my finest performance, no; but I bet I wouldn't be but maybe 0.4mph slower.

The only thing concerning me is the burning chest.

It's just very strange to say, I'm sick as shit, but I could do my regular exercise routine.

Yes, taking asprin, Quercetin, zinc, black seed oil, NAC, Vitamin D, Cumin, and Lactoferrin/benedryl - most of what @gayguns posted from the new protocol.
Got it back in January. Lost 20lbs. Mostly settled into the GI tract, so barfing, crapping etc. No fun, but it wasn't as drastic as I thought.
Dibs on guns. I mean - I have had it 2 times now and you get over it. 99.99999999999999999% of the time.

Check your SPO2, etc etc. The other thing I'll say is you might have your taste totally fucked up.
Yes, checking the Sp02. But, guns..what guns? Is this a gun forum? what the........any gun I did own is in Tennesee river around Pickwick.
The shit is a joke for anyone under 60 and remotely healthy. I still smoked a pack a day all through it.
That's encouraging. Really, like I said other than the chest burning (like bronchitis) and the headache, I feel almost perfect. Ok, the keto diet is backfiring (pun intended) right now so I added some carbs back; but honestly, like I've said, I could probably do a semi-long bike ride and not be any more winded than normal.
Hope you feel better, I’ve got a teenager brings home everything, so I’ve had it 3 times delta, omicron, then deltacron. Delta was like a average flu accept really tired, omicron wouldn’t have known I had it if my kid wouldn’t have tested positive, and deltacron was a cold that just lasted longer. Try vitamin d and 3 like guys said, that and vitamin c seemed to speed things along.
I had it a month ago and it pretty much kicked my ass for a few days. Extreme fatigue, very sore throat, fever, coughing up green shit. The fatigue was the worst part. It still won't let go. Two flights of stairs has me breathing hard. Have slept 14 hours straight on a couple weekend mornings. I know I'm older (60 and a little heavy) but I have never been knocked back like this. I wont even sign up for a uspsa match right now, as i dont know how i will be that day. This shit sucks..
About 2 weeks after I thought I was "over" that crap, I was suddenly hit with severe vertigo/dizzy spells. Couldn't make any fast moves, and especialy if I tilted my head to look up, I would be immediately staggering/falling and projectile vomiting all at the same time. I couldn't leave my shop to go home, even if I walked. No driving at all. Lasted about 12 hrs and it went away as suddenly as it appeared. All this to say...maybe stay off the bike for a little while.
Covid making a comeback?

After my bout I had a cough for three or four weeks. Based on symptoms I think I had delta - fever for a few days, head and chest congestion, tired and cough.

Stay on top of the D3, zinc and vitamin C. Drink plenty of fluids and monitor your O2.
a good shot of vitamin e should clear the important thing is to stop all the scratching now before it becomes a bad habit . and stop putting your junk in the micro wave your not supposed to play with it that way . all laughs aside I hope if you do have it you get well soon and feel better even sooner hospitals are not a fun place to visit though the nurses do make the trip worth while it's just too expensive . and if you start to weigh as much as a duck you have to be burnt to save society . Best of luck .
The fatigue was the worst part for me, but the headache was when I knew something was up. It was a really bad headache. Low fever for about two days, and it never moved to my chest with the bad cough lots of folks say they have. I had one day that felt a little hard to breathe, but Sp02 never dropped below 97. Zinc, aspirin, D3, and melatonin were what my doctor told me to take. My taste and smell got messed up for about a week as well.
Get a test to make sure.

You might be surprised.
Got the test...pinged positive.

Not losing taste or smell. Just that whopper headache (that's the worst part for me), sweating like nuts, and the chest pain (only if I lay down). I hope to kick this by tomorrow afternoon. So much for flying half-way across country Friday.

Hell, I'm only tired because I got about 3 hours sleep last night (and the last 3 weeks..insomnia). That's why I call this illness "weird" I feel bad due to aformentioned issues; but I've felt a LOT worse with a bad cold/flu and stomach viruses and if it were not putting extra work on my lungs, I'd go exercise with a long bike ride. Sometimes, it seems for me, getting exercise works shit out of the body.
Had it twice. Apart from a tickly throat, the shits and a slight temp all lasting less than a full day, I was okay.

I was back benching concrete and bowhunting snipers the next day.
ITs funny reading what people say about RONA "having had it." Might want to go check on those tests again. They show positive for Cold, Flu, COVID, and absolutely nothing. Which did you have?

I thought we were finally done with this faggotry where everyone has to make public fucking announcement when they have a sniffle.
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If you feel any difficulties breathing go in. Had a blood oxygen of 94. Found out I had a real nasty case of pneumonia. Spent a few days in the hospital. COVID pneumonia is nothing to toy with.
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I didn't get it until omicron in Jan. I wasn't any sicker than other stuff made me but the headache was bad enough I thought it was literally eating my brain. No lasting effects that I know of. Very different feel to it though. Definitely felt like something some asshole made in a lab.
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I may have had it, had bronchitis for a month and fever for a few days later it was mostly just annoying being out of breath. Spo2 was normal, never even went to the doctor I’ve had the flu once and it was way worse than this. May have just been bronchitis no clue. Couldn’t taste, but I never can when I get a cold.
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This is a very strange illness I'll say that. I didn't really think much about it till this morning. I'd been sniffling with allergies for about 3 weeks. I just figured it was the fact I chilled the house down and had the fan running the other night and I got stopped up.

So, admittedly I'm about 36-48 hours since I probably actually got it. So here are the symptoms I've got:

2) 100.6 fever
3) Burning chest (like Bronchitis).
4) slightly sore arms/burning skin (fever)
5) sweating like a pig
6) Sp02 is 96 to 97 (about what it always is)

But other than headache and maybe the chest, I have no doubt I could go do a 10-12 bike ride. Would it be my finest performance, no; but I bet I wouldn't be but maybe 0.4mph slower.

The only thing concerning me is the burning chest.

It's just very strange to say, I'm sick as shit, but I could do my regular exercise routine.

Yes, taking asprin, Quercetin, zinc, black seed oil, NAC, Vitamin D, Cumin, and Lactoferrin/benedryl - most of what @gayguns posted from the new protocol.
That sounds pretty similar to the symptoms that I had about a month ago except I had very little energy. The headache was the worst.

The burning in the chest would come and go and oxygen levels only dropped a few points.

I started feeling bad on a Friday and took some extra vitamin D, and 500mg of C with every meal, with lots of water. On Sunday night I finally broke the fever and the headache started to subside. It took about 2 weeks until I got all my energy back and the fog started to lift.
I have had what some call "long covid" or PCS ("post covid syndrome") since Thanksgiving. I was never sick with the virus, three different practitioners believe I got it from the vax. It has been living hell. There is growing belief that it's an auto-immune response, only a very few get it as bad as I have - I have not gotten sick in a decade or more, I used to travel all the time, my ex and daughter would be laid out for a week or more with bugs from school and I never got a hint of it.

I am not anti-vax conspiracy or anything, but I was forced into getting it to attend my daughters graduation from BCT.
Whole family including 84 year old grandmother got the RONA. We all took Ivermectin. 1 family member out of 8 refused. That was the only one that ended up really sick. In her own words “sicker than she’s ever been” and it lasted a entire month. While her mother(84) mother was back at the boat hitting the machines by day 5. I don’t care what anyone thinks . I know what I watched work. I even took the “horse paste” so my grandma could take my pills. Just too ok text it out. One day I took a 3-400 lb dose only side effect was. I felt great by day
2-3. FACT is it works like a miracle. Hope this helps.
We’ve got it here as well and it sucks! Various symptoms but the worst at this point for me are the constant, massive headache and the constant fatigue. I’m not horribly out of shape, but it’s kicking my A for sure. I never take naps, but I’ve done several 3+ hour midday naps almost every day since I got it (don’t feel the headache when I’m asleep, so that’s a bonus). I’m also never cold unless I’m SICK, and I’ve been bundled up several times this week (though I swing to the other end of the spectrum as well).

Lots of rest, vitamins, and hydration. I’m sure it’ll pass. I just hope I fully regain my sense of smell/taste soon, gummy bears aren’t as enjoyable when they’re just rubbery, tasteless blobs! 😂
We’ve got it here as well and it sucks! Various symptoms but the worst at this point for me are the constant, massive headache and the constant fatigue. I’m not horribly out of shape, but it’s kicking my A for sure. I never take naps, but I’ve done several 3+ hour midday naps almost every day since I got it (don’t feel the headache when I’m asleep, so that’s a bonus). I’m also never cold unless I’m SICK, and I’ve been bundled up several times this week (though I swing to the other end of the spectrum as well).

Lots of rest, vitamins, and hydration. I’m sure it’ll pass. I just hope I fully regain my sense of smell/taste soon, gummy bears aren’t as enjoyable when they’re just rubbery, tasteless blobs! 😂
I never regained my sense of taste/smell correctly. Now every single thing that smells strongly is reminiscent of trying to breath through a skunks asshole after getting sprayed.
This is a very strange illness I'll say that. I didn't really think much about it till this morning. I'd been sniffling with allergies for about 3 weeks. I just figured it was the fact I chilled the house down and had the fan running the other night and I got stopped up.

So, admittedly I'm about 36-48 hours since I probably actually got it. So here are the symptoms I've got:

2) 100.6 fever
3) Burning chest (like Bronchitis).
4) slightly sore arms/burning skin (fever)
5) sweating like a pig
6) Sp02 is 96 to 97 (about what it always is)

But other than headache and maybe the chest, I have no doubt I could go do a 10-12 bike ride. Would it be my finest performance, no; but I bet I wouldn't be but maybe 0.4mph slower.

The only thing concerning me is the burning chest.

It's just very strange to say, I'm sick as shit, but I could do my regular exercise routine.

Yes, taking asprin, Quercetin, zinc, black seed oil, NAC, Vitamin D, Cumin, and Lactoferrin/benedryl - most of what @gayguns posted from the new protocol.
I tried doing physical activity with similar symptoms as you and currently have bronchitis to go with my COVID.

I have heard to get one of those pulse oximeters and make sure you don’t go below 90.
People who have a routine for a "regular workout" aren't the people who need to worry about covid.

Personally, I enjoyed the loss of sense of smell when changing the diapers on our youngest.
heard that was an off shoot of the Bavarian butt bug and the only known way to remove it is surgically your going to suffer uncontrollable gas ( as if it's controllable now ) your pecker might fall off ( but that hasn't been used in many , many , many years ) so your golden pony boy ) best of luck beating your form of breast cancer cause a breast is a terrible thing to waste . get well soon unless you add me to the will then get out there and run faster forest you can do it or at least you tried and .
Ok, well, it looks like I'm over the 'Rona. Still coughing, slight headache (all the snot in my head), ears hurt, muscles hurt; but seriously, today was more like a cold. Yesterday was miserable due to the headache from hell and 100-102 fever. The middle 36 hours were a bit rough, as I haven't been sick in ages. I had the chest burn last year (I now suspect that was 'Rona and not Bronchitis) which is a bit worrysome, but the headache was the part that made me feel awful. Never had one that bad. At no time was I lethargic, though I slept a lot yesterday. About 8 years ago I had some type of cold that knocked me on my ass 100x worse than this, but without the headache.

But seriously, we shut down the world for this????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? What the fuck????????? No way this is bad enough to close the world down. And no, NO VACCINE HERE!!!!!!!!!!! Had I been "on it" and not thought it was allergy attack I'd have probably saved a day in recovery and had I continued my zinc/quercitin (opting for an "immunity capsule") through the summer I'd likely not have cought it. Though, I'm still not sure WHO passed this along. My first guess is my neighbor.

I'm really debating on doing a 10 mile bike ride tonight; but I don't want to be totally cocky. It'd likely help with the stiffness I have now.