Christmas list, not necessarily in this order...
(1) NFA, GCA and Hughes Amendment repealed. All Federal, State & Local gun laws repealed.
(2) Justices Roberts, Sotomayor, Kagan and Breyer replaced on the SCOTUS with strict constitutionalist jurists.
(3) ANTIFA, BAMN, BLM and other similar groups banished to deserted island (away from shipping lanes).
(4) True equal rights for women; i.e.., they pay men alimony, child support and we get half of their retirement. They get their head shaved in boot camp and are subject to the draft if they want true equal rights.
(5) The "squad" relegated to scrubbing toilets for a living.
(6) Democratic party only has 10 seats in the house and 10 in the Senate. We need to be reminded of what these idiots are all about lest anyone forget.
(7) No more baby killing (abortion).
(8) 2A rights for Hong Kong & China gets their asses kicked.
(9) People that have exercised their rights to self-defense are freed and never prosecuted.
(10) Quality thermal & night vision equipment that doesn't require a signature loan to purchase.
(11) Crooked judges and lawyers relegated to scrubbing toilets for a living.
(12) Unlimited ammo.
(13) Trump in the Whitehouse next year and Pence for 2024.
(14) Leftist states like California and New York turned into red states.
(15) Children learn to respect their parents.
(16) Women learn to respect their husbands.
(17) Some men to remember that they are supposed to be men not to act like women.
(18) Schools to teach REAL American History.
(19) People under 21 can by handguns. (If they can serve in the military they can buy any gun they want)
(20) God back in our homes and classrooms. He was kicked out of those places a long time ago and should be let back in.
Have I forgot anything?