Suppressors one man's view: BUY SUPPRESSORS


Sniper's Hide Dealer: CHARLIE'S
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  • Feb 19, 2017
    Northern VA
    This is not a commercial -- but it can be :cool: -- this is the time to buy suppressors.

    The way I see things with the ATF, we will most likely see Regulations proposed in 4 weeks which will put AR pistols with braces into the NFA domain, and require mass registration of many (perhaps not all) AR pistols with braces to be registered as an SBR. The ATF floated this balloon in December, 2020, and some thought they retreated and won the fight in January, 2021, when they withdrew their proposed interpretation. I think they withdrew it because a) ATF was not providing for the required public comment period, and b) the ATF may not have the authority to waive a $200 tax stamp.

    We can debate whether my prediction is correct or not, and we can debate whether such an action will stand up in Court. All perfectly fine.

    But the practical matter will be, if I am anywhere near correct, that 100,000's of current pistol owners will be filing some Form that we think of today as a Form 4 to register their pistol braced weapon. Yes, many will likely lose their guns in the dirt or sand (I have heard that FDE is hard to find in the dirt), and many will lose their weapons on fishing trips. No doubt. But, many will be filing forms.

    Filing new forms will overwhelm the NFA branch, which does such a good job at timely processing Form 4s today. :rolleyes:. Now, ask yourself: Would the current administration increase funding to more rapidly process NFA filings to accommodate this tsunami of new registrations, or would it be content to have us wait 1, 2, or 3 years to have a Form 4 approved?

    Just one man's thought.
    Hundreds of thousands? I'd say more like MILLIONS of Form 1's will be sent in. There's something like 8 MILLION braces in current circulation. Imagine that much red tape lagging behind the already slow process.

    If I have to Form 1 my pistols, then they can have the damn brace...And I'll stick a stock on it.
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    The system is normally crippled, to begin with. I'm hearing stories now about a 30-45 day wait time for your application to be entered into the system after the check is chased. I'm on day 12 since cashing my recent check for a Form 4. At the 1 month mark, I'll check and see if it's pending or not even in the system.

    If this happens and a few million Form 1's get entered... it'll likely be a year plus for anything to be approved. I really wish the HPA had passed.
    The system is normally crippled, to begin with. I'm hearing stories now about a 30-45 day wait time for your application to be entered into the system after the check is chased. I'm on day 12 since cashing my recent check for a Form 4. At the 1 month mark, I'll check and see if it's pending or not even in the system.

    If this happens and a few million Form 1's get entered... it'll likely be a year plus for anything to be approved. I really wish the HPA had passed.
    It still has a chance after Midterms. Hopefully with the new census and quite a few Red states gaining seats, and a couple big blue states losing seats, things my change for the better. 👍🏼
    I would be curious to see how many actually register them. Not as in a F the gov type sense but just because of the use of the gun itself

    An AR pistol can be used without a brace as it was that way years ago before braces really took off.

    The beauty of the AR pistol is carrying with ccw, crossing state lines etc which SBR can be an issue when it comes to that depending on state laws.

    It be interesting to see the amount of people who will actually do it vs the number of braces out there

    If they wave or drastically reduce the $200 stamp cost I’d see it being a much higher number.

    I think the buyers market for AR pistols will be high. Same for any pistol/SBR uppers

    I made my AR pistol to an SBR a while back. But if I had a bunch of AR pistols I’d likely just run the uppers on one SBR lower if I wanted to use it as such and not pay $200 a piece and the other BS to register them all

    My prediction is many will register 1 lower for $200. Remove the braces off the rest and hope the requirements to register get reversed.
    My view is the same...Look how much fun this is...Don't you want to have quiet pews as well?

    New video from Sunday afternoon... Had some fun shooting the suppressed .300 BLK with my handloaded subsonics @ 200 yards... Fixed 3x power scope... This is with the new Dead Air Sandman-S MIL-Contract can...

    Feel free to hit the like button (on YouTube) and subscribe... It would really help me out.

    Pistol braces are really the low hanging fruit if you're a Dem. ATF just changes its interpretations/guidance and poof, guns with braces are now treated as SBR's. If I had to guess, I think there will be some grace period where you can submit Form 4 to the ATF for every gun with a pistol brace and they will waive the $200 tax. If ATF goes this route it will be interesting to see how many people actually register their "braced" AR pistols. But even if it's 20%, ATF is going to be flooded with paperwork.

    What the future holds for suppressors and SBR's is anyone's guess. My fear is that there will be a mass shooting in which shooter is able to initially conceal his AR because it's an SBR, or uses a suppressed weapon and libs realize that it's currently legal for civilians to own this stuff. Kind of like what happened to bump stocks after LV shooting. With the NRA now a shadow of its former self I can see a couple of Republican senators caving. Hopefully not enough to reach 60, and Dems won't be able to circumvent the filibuster to get this done.

    Time will tell, but I agree if you've ever wanted an SBR or a suppressor, now is the time.
    Pistol braces are really the low hanging fruit if you're a Dem. ATF just changes its interpretations/guidance and poof, guns with braces are now treated as SBR's. If I had to guess, I think there will be some grace period where you can submit Form 4 to the ATF for every gun with a pistol brace and they will waive the $200 tax. If ATF goes this route it will be interesting to see how many people actually register their "braced" AR pistols. But even if it's 20%, ATF is going to be flooded with paperwork.

    What the future holds for suppressors and SBR's is anyone's guess. My fear is that there will be a mass shooting in which shooter is able to initially conceal his AR because it's an SBR, or uses a suppressed weapon and libs realize that it's currently legal for civilians to own this stuff. Kind of like what happened to bump stocks after LV shooting. With the NRA now a shadow of its former self I can see a couple of Republican senators caving. Hopefully not enough to reach 60, and Dems won't be able to circumvent the filibuster to get this done.

    Time will tell, but I agree if you've ever wanted an SBR or a suppressor, now is the time.
    You mean a Form 1 SBR... Not a Form 4.

    Form 1 is converting something previously NOT an NFA item into, and registering it as, an NFA item.

    Form 3 is transferring an existing NFA item from one Class III dealer to another Class III dealer.

    Form 4 is transferring an existing NFA item from a Class III dealer (or individual) to another individual.

    As for your concern with paperwork, yes, it will be a flood, because there is something like 8+ MILLION pistol braces in circulation... So, yeah, that's going to be a gigantic mongolian clusterfuck at the ATF's NFA office. And, actually there was a shooter recently that used a braced pistol and that's one of the big things that helped the resurgence of the rule change bullshit... I think it was that dude at Kroger parking lot (can't remember what state) a couple months back...

    The fact of the matter that we even have a barrel length law is stupid. A gun, is a gun, is a gun, is a gun... They're all dangerous, NONE are more dangerous than the next. Suppressors don't make the gun silent, like in the Hollyweird movies... The fact that a harmless chunk of metal is serialized and registered and takes this many hoops to own, is beyond ridiculous. NEITHER of these 2 items are restricted in Europe... Guns themselves are heavily restricted, but there is no such thing as an "SBR" in Europe. And you can buy "moderators" or as we call them here in 'Merica... Suppressors, or silencers... at just about any local hardware store, or wherever ammo and firearms can be found.

    Now, I would be willing to compromise on still having to fill out a 4473 and a background check to purchase a suppressor, if they would just remove them from the registry, and no longer require the $200 and the tax stamp and hoops to jump through, and the wait time. I want to be able to take it home THAT DAY!
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    Thanks for the clarification MudRunner - I'm somewhat new to this whole NFA thing, although I'm starting to become too familiar with this stuff.

    Did what I guess is a Form 1 to get approval to turn two lowers receivers into SBR's. Been waiting 5+ months for the approval/tax stamp to come back. Recently bought a second pistol brace. Just bought two suppressors, which I'm hoping will be transferred to my local FFL/Class 3 dealer sometime in the next couple of weeks. So I'm preparing for the worst.

    And I completely agree, our firearms laws are ridiculous. But I'm used to that. Used to live in MA. Suppressors were illegal. You couldn't attack a pistol brace to an AR because the resulting firearm was too large/heavy to be classified as a pistol in MA. Couldn't purchase most high end 1911's because to be approved mfg. had to give the state a free pistol to "test". Not surprisingly Les Baer, Wilson Combat, etc. not willing to do this. Or make their pistols MA compliant by changing their design to comply with the state's ridiculous requirements. Yet ... even with the state continuing the Fed's AWB you could still own an AR - so long as it didn't have a flash hider, a collapsible stock or a bayonet lug. You know, the stuff that makes AR's extra killy. Until one day our AG woke up and decided that the same law that had allowed neutered AR's now didn't. But, at the time I left it was still ok to buy a Tavor. And don't even get me started about trying to purchase ammo on line.

    So I have a lot of first hand experience with how stupid things can get when people who don't like guns, are afraid of them and know absolutely nothing about them start trying to draft laws to protect us from them. But maybe we can convince them that rather than prohibiting SBR's they need to require that in the future all AR's must have barrels under 16". After all it's those long barrels, with their extra velocity and more effective ballistics that make the 5.56 round super deadly. Same thing with suppressors. They are actually a safety device to insure that nearby women and children don't become deaf or suffer from PTSD from the sonic boom of our AR's.
    New video is up! If you like it, please go to the YT link, and hit the thumbs-up button, and the SUBSCRIBE button, and share it all over your social medias. I'm really trying to grow my channel. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!