One mistake made by the Founding Fathers


Full Member
Dec 17, 2009
Eastern NC
The Founding Fathers created the greatest form of government in the history of man’s existence. They not only gave us individual rights but they explained these are inherent rights from birth, given to us by God. This makes efforts to control us and removal of rights very difficult. It also clarifies that rights have nothing to do with societal class, wealth or ethnicity.

Then they created the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to codify the most important rights into law. They spread the power of government around to three branches to ensure checks and balances against government officials who become too powerful.

What they didn’t account for is government giving birth to its own agencies, creating a way to control people through regulations. The Founding Fathers had no idea that one day tens of thousands of unelected bureaucrats would have the power to create their own laws through regulations and wield their own power at the point of a gun to raid our homes and throw us in jail.

If the Founding Fathers had foreseen this, I’m sure they would have woven in some extra language in the Bill or Rights for the following:

1. Any gross abuse of power by government officials found subverting the very same Constitution they took an oath to uphold, is a Class A Felony.
2. Any government official or agency representative refusing to cooperate with a congressional subpeona or inquiry is immediately suspended without pay and subject to felony charges and subsequent trial.
3. Any government official found guilty of using their governmental authority and access to change votes or rig elections will be charged with a class A felony.
4. Any elected official or candidate found taking donations more than $1000 from any entity, individual, corporation or organization will immediately face trial.
5. The total federal government budget can never exceed the amount of revenue brought in the year before.
6. The amount of taxes levied on the people can never exceed 10% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from the previous year.

What amendments would you add to the Constitution today?
They made two fatal mistakes.
Allowing "for general welfare" by federal government and assuming 2A wouldn't be wasted in the face of massive open corruption and an actual overthrow of the government through fraud.

Probably need:
Total tax cap of all government entities.
No donations by companies or PAC.
Term limits.
Limited welfare.. if any.
1). Term limits of 2 terms max for the House and Senate with no ability after serving in one of running for the other.

2). The salaries of the president, VP, and all members of congress will be voted on every two years by the people.

3). Any Federal Judge whose judgment is thought to violate Federal law or the Constitution will be tried for treason and if found guilty, immediately hung.
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Im still of the opinion, govt should be like selective service. Govt job is a four year term and your done for life. No voting. Your number is called, you serve. Once done, you never get to serve again. You lose no seniority in your real job.

That job might be policeman, court clerk, senator, or rifleman in the Army.

2/3 vote to pass any new law.
Our founding fathers also pointed out that our form of government can only work under a lawful and moral society.

That’s where we went sideways.
eliminate any thoughts of 'reform' in prisons and jails. Prisons and jails themselves SHOULD be a punishment. The premise of which is to be a deterrent in itself.

Bring back chain-gangs. Work farms.

Last but not least... capitol punishment. There shall be no more 'choices' as to venue, or using alcohol to wipe an injection site and such..... falls from heights. Minimum 10 stories to bare ground. And all to take place within 20 days from sentencing.

(after starting with bringing in the reforms suggested above, there will be HUGE penalties for those corrupt and contaminating the process. They too shall fall)

They foresaw the natural tendency of men seeking power to corrupt any system and many of them didn’t think it would last that long.

It takes a moral people who recognize God as the Author of Liberty to sustain the United States and its individual States, starting from the bottom with intact families who recognize the Hand of God in their lives.

Once you depart from that, you get a government filled with men seeking material gain and power over others, who answer to the evil one. Those types of men took over most of the US government already in the 1800s, then fully entrenched during Prohibition, and have never been cleaned out since.
Im still of the opinion, govt should be like selective service. Govt job is a four year term and your done for life. No voting. Your number is called, you serve. Once done, you never get to serve again. You lose no seniority in your real job.

That job might be policeman, court clerk, senator, or rifleman in the Army.

2/3 vote to pass any new law.
Add to that, a 10 year expiration on every law.
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Clarify citizenship. Citizenship is earned by birthright to legal citizens only. Naturalized citizen can’t vote for 10 years after naturalization. No dual citizenship. No anchor babies. Term limits. Senators appointment return to state legislature and not by popular vote. That’s just a start.
You have to have some pathway to citizenship for immigrants and their babies, otherwise this nation would never have existed. We’re all from immigrants. This is why border security is so important. To control who becomes citizens. Otherwise the USA becomes the place where every criminal runs to.

Returning Senators to the States is a great idea. I had forgotten about that. When they were taken from the states, and given to popular vote, it made them basically redundant to the House of Representatives, which weakened the states and handed that power to the Federal government.
I’ll add another one. Enforce the 10th Amendment. Kind of crazy that this even has to be written, but the Federal Government is in gross violation of the 10th amendment and no one will tackle it. The states are all afraid of the Feds, so they would have to band together, 25+ states in a pact to sue the Federal government on 10th amendment grounds and get SCOTUS to rule on it.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Almost every federal agency is a violation of the 10th amendment.
Gangsters don’t give a rip what your written laws are. They don’t read them and don’t ever need to read them.

It’s a total waste of their time. Why would they care what any of us have to say when they already bought off Congress, the White House, and Judiciary a Century ago, then stuffed their own secret police hit squads into Federal government to clean up any competition?

None of our laws matter anymore, and haven’t mattered for over 100 years to them.

Our laws are only selectively-applied to us and anyone who crosses the gangsters, pure and simple.

The Constitution is just a historical document at this point. Look at the make-up of the freaking Supreme Court if you ever care to, or the Committee Chairs in Congress. Real Americans were purged out of those positions long ago and packed with loyalists to organized crime.
You have to have some pathway to citizenship for immigrants and their babies, otherwise this nation would never have existed. We’re all from immigrants. This is why border security is so important. To control who becomes citizens. Otherwise the USA becomes the place where every criminal runs to.

Returning Senators to the States is a great idea. I had forgotten about that. When they were taken from the states, and given to popular vote, it made them basically redundant to the House of Representatives, which weakened the states and handed that power to the Federal government.
That’s the naturalized part I referenced. I’m all for a legal pathway.

And yes, when they change the vote for the senators, the states lost the representation to the federal government, which was the whole point of the senate. The house is the people the Senate is the states that’s the balance.
I’ll add another one. Enforce the 10th Amendment. Kind of crazy that this even has to be written, but the Federal Government is in gross violation of the 10th amendment and no one will tackle it. The states are all afraid of the Feds, so they would have to band together, 25+ states in a pact to sue the Federal government on 10th amendment grounds and get SCOTUS to rule on it.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Almost every federal agency is a violation of the 10th amendment.
It is but one mistake they did make, and it was mentioned earlier was the general welfare clause they hide everything under general welfare

That needs to be clarified
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General welfare was meant as exactly that, good for the country generally. Paying people for laziness and poor life choices isn't that.

In fact the founders specifically rejected the idea of federal level charity when the were running the government.

What went sideways was people being too soft and thinking it's abhorrent when people suffer the consequences of their actions.
Term limits.
Right straight across the board.
I have no issue with some outstanding American being elected as Representative, serving the limited time, then serving in the Senate for the limited time before then being elected as POTUS.
SCOTUS also needs a limited term. Maybe 20 years?

The 16th Amendment needs to be rescinded.
The 17th Amendment needs to be rescinded.
The 19th Amendment needs to be rescinded.
Property ownership to vote...even if it was purchased by the square inch just to be able to vote ala North Pole, AK and purchasing some of Santa's land.
Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5:
[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.

Article 1 Section 10 Clause 1:
[No State shall...] make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.

I'm not sure how they could have made this more explicit, or prevented letting the coinage of money fall into private hands, but obviously that horse left the barn a long time ago.
The problem with making property ownership mandatory to be eligible to vote, is that it would be weaponized.
It would be monopolized and the ambitious new young guy that doesn’t toe the line would be forced out.

Something would have to be done like a cap at a certain number of acres per person. (Which I don’t agree with either.)

On second thought, maybe that is a good thing…
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The problem with making property ownership mandatory to be eligible to vote, is that it would be weaponized.
It would be monopolized and the ambitious new young guy that doesn’t toe the line would be forced out.

Something would have to be done like a cap at a certain number of acres per person. (Which I don’t agree with either.)

On second thought, maybe that is a good thing…

Real property could be land. A business. Stocks and bonds. Animals (aka a herd of something.) real property. Gold/silver. A working semi-truck. …. Real, valuable and tangible property showing you earned something and have a stake in the nation.

Not living in parents basement… not pushing a shopping cart. Or living in welfare housing eating gummint cheeze. Not a worthless tick feeding on society. Or a student in a dorm… with 200k in negative net worth.

Real property could be land. A business. Stocks and bonds. Animals (aka a herd of something.) real property. Gold/silver. A working semi-truck. …. Real, valuable and tangible property showing you earned something and have a stake in the nation.

Not living in parents basement… not pushing a shopping cart. Or living in welfare housing eating gummint cheeze. Not a worthless tick feeding on society. Or a student in a dorm… with 200k in negative net worth.

I wouldn’t necessarily make it land ownership. But I do support raising the voting age to 30 and must have paid taxes for at least 5 consecutive years prior to being eligible to vote. Voluntary military service negates the age and tax requirement to 25. As much as a conscripted military irks me, I unfortunately believe that we need mandatory service requirements now. These fucking kids are soft and have no sense of pride. They need to wear the uniform learn the customs and appreciate their privelage. They don’t need to be front line or even combat troops. There are plenty of things they can do. But they should have to wear the uniform. Care for it. Understand the customs. Be disciplined. Society will be wholly better offf. We can weed out the undesirables really easy.
Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5:
[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.

Article 1 Section 10 Clause 1:
[No State shall...] make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.

I'm not sure how they could have made this more explicit, or prevented letting the coinage of money fall into private hands, but obviously that horse left the barn a long time ago.
This was jeopardized pretty quickly by those wanting a central bank. Led by none other than many people’s hero, Alexander Hamilton. Against the express opposition of Washington and Jefferson, to name a couple.

In the end, all governments will fall to greed and the desire for power. I don’t think it’s possible to prevent that from happening. As much as I wish it weren’t so.
No welfare. None. Zero. Exceptions being the blind &/or deaf. Anyone found guilty of cheating that system to be made both blind & deaf. There families to support them, or there families serve prison sentence.

Church is meant to help as welfare. Always has for those in need. Don't believe in God? Thats perfectly OK, work, or have your family support you.

No plea bargains of any kind. No reduced sentencing of any kind. No various legalities in regards to trial as an adult/juvenile.

No dual system of citizenry. Any citizen who wishes to own & carry a firearm can. Anywhere. The only exception being in court (any public building, public land or mode of transportation is ok). Even criminals who have completed their sentence may own/carry. However, any criminal whom cannot be trusted in society, shall not ever be in society.

Theft, under $100 of today equivalent. Misdemeanor. 2nd offense felony.

Theft over $100 value of today equivalent. Felony.

Theft including the use of a weapon of any type. Death penalty.

Aggravated crimes removed. Manslaughter types removed.

Drug abuse is a felony. Drug dealing is a death penalty.

Drugged/drunk driving is a felony. Second offense is a death penalty.

Drugged/drunk driving resulting in serious injury &/or fatality is a death penalty.
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Real property could be land. A business. Stocks and bonds. Animals (aka a herd of something.) real property. Gold/silver. A working semi-truck. …. Real, valuable and tangible property showing you earned something and have a stake in the nation.

Not living in parents basement… not pushing a shopping cart. Or living in welfare housing eating gummint cheeze. Not a worthless tick feeding on society. Or a student in a dorm… with 200k in negative net worth.

I get ya. My mind defaulted to land ownership. But ownership of something of substance makes sense.
I unfortunately believe that we need mandatory service requirements now. These fucking kids are soft and have no sense of pride. They need to wear the uniform learn the customs and appreciate their privelage. T

Great idea. Fucking brilliant idea.
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What they didn’t account for is government giving birth to its own agencies, creating a way to control people through regulations. The Founding Fathers had no idea that one day tens of thousands of unelected bureaucrats would have the power to create their own laws through regulations and wield their own power at the point of a gun to raid our homes and throw us in jail.
That may be mostly fixed very soon.

Oral arguments in both appeals were held on Jan. 17, 2024. Three Supreme Court justices appeared poised to leave the Chevron doctrine intact: Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson. Among other rationales for keeping Chevron deference, this set of justices appeared to defend the 40-year-old doctrine not only on the grounds of stare decisis, but also on the basis that a federal agency tasked with enforcing a statute is typically better situated to address statutory ambiguity than a court. At least three justices indicated hostility to the doctrine: Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Among other bases for skepticism of the doctrine, these justices generally view the U.S. Constitution as charging courts, not administrative agencies, with the authority to interpret federal statutes according to their own independent judgment. This likely leaves Chevron's fate in the hands of three justices, whose views were not as clearly expressed during oral argument: Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito and Amy Coney Barrett.
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Founding Fathers didn't make mistakes they just couldn't comprehend the future. They understood that it would fail from corruption at some point but the degree of corruption wasn't evident to them back then. Even though they gave us good instructions to follow when it did fail they had no idea how lazy and passive the people would become fearing the corrupt government.

Rights given by God , they should of wrote inherent rights given by Satan. Maybe they wouldn't have fuck with our rights then for fear of Satan.
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All financing for running for government offices is to be disclosed to the public and made by individuals only. Campaign financing from private entities (businesses), institutions (domestic or foreign, non-governmental), or anonymous donations not allowed with immediate removal from office upon discovery, and if fraud or corruption is found, federal and state criminal charges filed immediately.
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I guess I would make an amendment to amend the Second Amendment. I would make it so firearms as a whole are considered the "arms". Not this bullshit where the receiver is the only part classed as the actual firearm. That's like having a sword, but only the hilt is the protected part. Under my new amendment, all parts of guns including suppressors, auto sears, Glock switches, etc. are all gun parts that are protected.
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I guess I would make an amendment to amend the Second Amendment. I would make it so firearms as a whole are considered the "arms". Not this bullshit where the receiver is the only part classed as the actual firearm. That's like having a sword, but only the hilt is the protected part. Under my new amendment, all parts of guns including suppressors, auto sears, Glock switches, etc. are all gun parts that are protected.
I think the Founders would have understood the Second Amendment to protect weapons that are military equipment, as they expected a militia of citizens to overawe a standing Army and any overreaching government.
"The highest number to which, according to the best computation, a standing army can be carried in any country, does not exceed one hundredth part of the whole number of souls; or one twenty-fifth part of the number able to bear arms. This proportion would not yield in the United States an army of more than twenty-five or thirty thousand men. To these would be opposed a militia amounting to near half a million of citizens with arms in their hands, officered by men chosen from among themselves, fighting for their common liberties, and united and conducted by governments possessing their affections and confidence. It may well be doubted whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered by such a proportion of regular troops. Those who are best acquainted with the late successful resistance of this country against the British arms will be most inclined to deny the possibility of it. Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprizes of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain that with this aid alone, they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will, and direct the national force; and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned, in spite of the legions which surround it. Let us not insult the free and gallant citizens of America with the suspicion that they would be less able to defend the rights of which they would be in actual possession, than the debased subjects of arbitrary power would be to rescue theirs from the hands of their oppressors."

-- James Madison, Federalist #46

The founding Father's never envisioned that our Schools would not teach the History of the Revolution. My wife and I have 18 men who put it all on the line to eject the Elitist Monarchy from our shores and I have studied them especially on this day of memory, for Gaelic Peoples it was a continuation of the struggle that got us banished to the colonies in the first place. The Founders never envisioned Elitist Marxism would become the new Monarchy. Watching the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, three females that have no blood lines to the American Revolution, pissing all over the Constitution with their "how do you feel" Marxist drivel, our founders never dreamed of this, Marxist Whores with Bar Cards.
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Establish nine regions around the country from which to nominate and vote in SCOTUS Justices, and require the nominees to be native born from those regions, while also requiring they live there for the durations of their SCOTUS tenures. Requiring them to live near D.C. corrupts most SCOTUS Justices with all the D.C. biased news, cocktail parties, rubbing of elbows, and beltway insider lobbying.

Chief Justice Roberts is a perfect example of a justice who has been greatly tainted by living in the swamp.

Getting the Senators and Congressmen out of D.C. is also needed.
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Watching the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, three females that have no blood lines to the American Revolution, pissing all over the Constitution with their "how do you feel" Marxist drivel, our founders never dreamed of this, Marxist Whores with Bar Cards.
There are 52 judges on the Ninth Circuit. How are any 3 so influential? When you say "watching," what is it you were watching? Is there a recent case or something, about which you are writing?
Obviously the CENSUS should only count American Citizens and no one else- make it a felony for the counters to not confirm citizenship of every claimed person, and for anyone lying to the Census counters. Afterall, Census counts determine the numbers of Electoral College Votes for each state, and not just Congressional Representation and federal dollars.

ONLY In Person voter registration requiring birth cert, ss card, state issued photo ID, then retake of pic and fingerprints. All of that confirmed again when casting an "in person only" ballot on the ONE election day. All states to have closed primaries. NO states permitted to have 'ranked voting'- just look at Alaska and how that traitor Murkowski stole the seat that Palin would've likely won.

Voter registration should only occur in gov't buildings where LE can arrest anyone with an outstanding warrant.

Outlaw all refugee programs. Make Illegal entry or presence on U.S. soil a federal felony requiring immediate deportation.

Militarize all borders- zero tolerance for Illegal Aliens.

Allow states to enforce stricter border & immigration laws than those of the federal gov't.

END CHAIN MIGRATION. Repeal the Immigration Act of 1965.

Repeal the GCA and NFA. Make suppressors, braces, and bump stocks plain old accessories.

Re-institutionalize the mentally ill (Fuck prez JFK for signing the CMHA).
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Real property could be land. A business. Stocks and bonds. Animals (aka a herd of something.) real property. Gold/silver. A working semi-truck. …. Real, valuable and tangible property showing you earned something and have a stake in the nation.

Not living in parents basement… not pushing a shopping cart. Or living in welfare housing eating gummint cheeze. Not a worthless tick feeding on society. Or a student in a dorm… with 200k in negative net worth.

Make it even simpler… Taking Government aid in the form of any kind welfare (taxpayer-funded support) renders you ineligible to vote in the next election.
The Founding Fathers created the greatest form of government in the history of man’s existence. They not only gave us individual rights but they explained these are inherent rights from birth, given to us by God. This makes efforts to control us and removal of rights very difficult. It also clarifies that rights have nothing to do with societal class, wealth or ethnicity.

Then they created the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to codify the most important rights into law. They spread the power of government around to three branches to ensure checks and balances against government officials who become too powerful.

What they didn’t account for is government giving birth to its own agencies, creating a way to control people through regulations. The Founding Fathers had no idea that one day tens of thousands of unelected bureaucrats would have the power to create their own laws through regulations and wield their own power at the point of a gun to raid our homes and throw us in jail.

If the Founding Fathers had foreseen this, I’m sure they would have woven in some extra language in the Bill or Rights for the following:

1. Any gross abuse of power by government officials found subverting the very same Constitution they took an oath to uphold, is a Class A Felony.
2. Any government official or agency representative refusing to cooperate with a congressional subpeona or inquiry is immediately suspended without pay and subject to felony charges and subsequent trial.
3. Any government official found guilty of using their governmental authority and access to change votes or rig elections will be charged with a class A felony.
4. Any elected official or candidate found taking donations more than $1000 from any entity, individual, corporation or organization will immediately face trial.
5. The total federal government budget can never exceed the amount of revenue brought in the year before.
6. The amount of taxes levied on the people can never exceed 10% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from the previous year.

What amendments would you add to the Constitution today?
Anything that makes property taxes illegal.
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There are 52 judges on the Ninth Circuit. How are any 3 so influential? When you say "watching," what is it you were watching? Is there a recent case or something, about which you are writing?
Educate yourself. Three judge panels of an Inferior Court doing everything possible to ignore a Superior Courts rulings on the 2nd Amendment. Many video examples of their Treason and not the only Circuit doing it. Our Founders made a hierarchy, but if it is not followed, you have anarchy and they did not provide a mechanism to disbar the people not following the rulings. The Cherokee won their cases and Andrew Jackson and his ilk ignored them, read Trail of Tears.

Start watching and learn, oh three judge panels are Radom, but when over half are Rose Bird Marxists, the odds are not in the favor of the Rule of Law being followed, and when you get an honest three judge panel they are overruled by the majority. The Judicial System is in a state of anarchy as they are thumbing their noses at the Superior Court, read Heller and Bruen.

Link added on edit,

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