Hunting & Fishing Online maps that show property lines?


Full Member
Jul 15, 2008
Westchester County, NY
I've been using google earth and acme mapper to scout out hunting areas, but would really like to be able to see property lines as well. I've searched and came across a couple links saying google earth will show them but I haven't had any luck with this working. Anyone know of any other options?
Re: Online maps that show property lines?

Our County Assessor has them on line for all property owners.

You might want to check the county web site where you hunt and see if they offer that information in map form.

Good luck.
Re: Online maps that show property lines?

I think your best luck would be one of the programs for GPS' that have not only the property lines, but the name of the onwner of the property.

You can normally get then By State. I have one for Wyoming and its the cat's meow.

It will certainly keep you out of trouble if you live in a high property right state like Wyoming.

Pretty dern accurate too. Mine even shows my rental house in town.
Re: Online maps that show property lines?

You can do what we did, if you really WANT it online.
Get your county plat map, color code the blocks of ownership, and overlay it onto google maps and save it to YOUR MAPS.

That gives us the ability to see structure, elevation, terrain, roads, names AND on top of that, still see what areas are owned by whom.

It might be a bit of a hassle if you're a novice on a computer, but for's worth it.
Re: Online maps that show property lines?

Lots of good suggestions, thanks. The county assessor link worked but was a little more involved than I was hoping for. I was thinking there was something out there like an overlay for google earth that would just show all the property boundaries. I don't really need the owner's names, just what land goes with what houses on the maps. Wishful thinking that it would be that easy I guess. I'll check out the mapping suggestions made and link them c_bass style if that's not enough.
Re: Online maps that show property lines?

TN has an amazing website for this.
Just click on the plot and it gives you all the info. I used it to record the names of owners ajoining the property I hunt. Never know if I might need to contact them.

TN Property Data