Optical gurus.... Long eye relief for archery compound bow


Full Member
Feb 21, 2013
We have way more people here that are highly knowledgeable on optics than all the archery sites. Sometimes I think it's the mind set of it has always been like this..... Why can't a fixed power (or maybe a 2-6 power) long eye relief adjustable parallax and diopter be built? I know a custom mount will have to be built to allow for alignment through the yardage range. Which for indoor shooters your at 20 yards and just micro adjust. I'm tired of fighting clarifiers (lens in the peep) and the lenses in the scope. 20 ish years ago I used to shoot with an old guy that had some eye issue that be could not see the pins. He built a custom mount and used an oddball scope. With the optical technology so much better now I'm failing to see why this isn't something that has been worked on.
Back in the day, Eotech made a sight. Used to own one, then sold it to someone at work who collects them because it was just collecting dust. Had two rings and a dot. Somehow the two rings moved independently in the holo image to show hand torque and eye alignment. It was mounted to an adjustable sight like an HHA adjustable sight and you would adjust things like normal.
I know it is not a scope, but a holo sight, but maybe you can find something similar? Or maybe it will give you some ideas about mounting something to an HHA. If I remember right it was just sitting on an aluminum L bracket mounted to the sight.

Can always go to the Archery Talk forums see if they have ideas. I used to be real active there 5-6 years ago. Haven't been there in some time since I stopped target shooting so not sure how things are there any more.
I'm on Archery Talk it seems like about the only archery forum that's real active anymore. I brought it up about 6 months ago and got the will it's been like this forever.... I use a 6x lens indoor and 4x for outdoor and 3D. All the target bows have Axcel Achieve adjustable sights.

Not having multiple lenses fogging up, being able to have the reticle and target in focus at all ranges would be great. Even that new Doublet lens is just ok and it's almost $500 for the lens only.
I can build the sight bar to allow for the elevation change and maintain eye alignment. It's the optical side that the issue is. I know a bunch of the manufacturers and optical gurus frequent here. Hopefully one of them will chime in.
Eh, I shoot a 6x Zeiss lens in a sur-loc.

Peep size is everything. Once I found the right size clarifier in the right size peep it cleared right up.

Stable strings (I use 60x or catfish), and a stable bow, and I don't have rotation issues with the peep.

Optically what you're asking for is damn near impossible. If you have a super short draw you may be able to adapt a pistol scope. I don't know if you've ever used one, but they're amazingly frustrating to get a good sight picture.
I'm on the other end of the draw length spectrum at ape length. 30.5". Closet thing I have had to a pistol scope was one of the long eye relief scopes on a M1A that had the forward mounted scope. It was weird, and it was a cheap ass Tasco.

We shoot A3 bloodline strings now.
My indoor setup is pretty nailed down, target face is sharp, the pin is not as sharp as I would like. But it's as close as I have been able to get. I've tried all the clarifiers ( I'm using a C ) I'd have to look what peep diameter I have in there. It's small.