Ordering a Barrel


May 27, 2018
Yorktown, NY
Hey Everyone,

I'm very confused about the actual process of ordering a precision barrel. Let me preface this by saying that almost all of my experience with building/replacing parts on firearms is with AR-15s, where most of the parts fit every gun, and every barrel I've ever seen is ready to install as is. But as I search for barrels now, most of what I can find are labelled as 'blanks'. I can't even find where to order a barrel straight from some of the manufacturers. So my question comes in two parts:

1. What needs to be done to a barrel blank IOT install it on an action? From what I have been able to gather, just a chamber needs to be cut, and possibly have a crown/threads cut as well. Is your only option to rely on a local gunsmith to cut a chamber for you? Why do they sell barrels like this?

2. What manufacturers/retailers sell a ready-to-install barrel that you can select the specifications for? For reference, I'll be putting it in a ARC Nucleus.

Thanks for bearing with me here, I have never had to custom order anything or talk to a gunsmith. Tried the search function, didn't find anything. If a thread exists that already answers this question, I really do apologize!

Thanks Everyone,

I believe the nucelus accepts Savage Pre-Fit style barrels. you can also get shouldered prefits for the nucleus from companies like PVA.

a LOT of companies do savage-prefit style barrels. this uses a barrel nut to secure barrel after setting proper headspace

when you order - you specify chamber, twist, contour, thread pitch. and they send you a barrel you can install yourself. you need a set headspace gauges (or atleast a go-gauge then modify to a no-go gauge with tape) to double check headspacing.
You’re right. A blank needs to have the chamber cut and threaded. Blanks are sold because a lot of people are very picky when it comes to letting anyone chamber their barrel. So blanks can be bought and then sent or taken to their gunsmith to have it chambered.
Email bug hole barrels and tell them what action you have and what brand ,caliber, twist rate, barrel, profile, threads you want. They will fix you up and if you are unsure on some things like twist rate they will help you there.