Firearms Origin bravo 6.5 Grendel


Full Member
Aug 26, 2018
Chattanooga tn
I have a nice build for sale

bighorn origin action, krg bravo with custom blue sponge, area 419 weighted rail, adjustable butt pad, and a few other bravo accessories, TT special. The barrel is a polygonal 20" threaded green Mtn and shoots very well. I have a savage 6 creed barrel for it too.

Does not come with glass, can or bipod

I would really like to trade for a Vudoo or Rimx barreld action.


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I have a nice build for sale

bighorn origin action, krg bravo with custom blue sponge, area 419 weighted rail, adjustable butt pad, and a few other bravo accessories, TT special. The barrel is a polygonal 20" threaded green Mtn and shoots very well. I have a savage 6 creed barrel for it too.

Does not come with glass, can or bipod

I would really like to trade for a Vudoo or Rimx barreld action. Cash price is $1400 shipped or best offer pp ff or Venmo only
Would you sell just the action and do you have the 308 boltface?