Origin vs tl3


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Dec 26, 2018
Thinking of building a rifle and am fairly new at all of the custom options. The bighorns get some good praise and am thinking that is the way I would like to go. From what I can tell it is what they are made out of and pinned vs integral recoil lug are the differences. What is the real advantages of those two things? I am on a budget but would just save longer if the tl3 was worth the extra money. The goal is to use prefit barrels and thought I saw that the tolerances are tighter with the tl3 for this but I could be mistaken. Thank you
Functionally they are the same. Dimensionally slightly different, but same tolerances.

TL3 has an integral recoil lug and uses stainless steel for the receiver.

Stainless gives you corrosion resistance, which is kinda a moot point since both the origin and TL3’s come finished. Integral recoil lug is supposed to be theoretically better than a pinned but most knowledgeable people would tell you it’s inconsequential.

Stepping up to a TL3 is more of aesthetics choice than a performance or functional one, unless you want to run AW mags.

You also have more options to customize the TL3.
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The only differences between the TL3 and the Origin are material (SS for the TL3) recoil lug (integral vs. pinned), and bolt body (Origin is swept slightly).

oh, and about $400.

Any gunsmith worth the name should be able to spin you up a prefit (shouldered or Savage style) and be good to go, and multiple companies now make finished prefits for both actions.
Thank you for all of the responses so far.
i would also think that the coating would make both corrosion resistant. So unless the recoil lug difference is worth $4/500, I don’t see it. All other features look the same. What kind of upgrades could be done to the tl3 and not the origin? Just trying to make the best decision I can. Maybe I should have put this in the stupid marksman section!
Origin has a swept bolt handle, pinned recoil lug, isn’t stainless steel, 20 MOA rail, choice of bolt handle.

TL3 has integral lug, straight handle, stainless steal, choice of 0,10,20,30 MOA cant on the rail, choice of port, choice of bolt handle, choice of tang thickness, and choice of mag cut. It’s a good bit more custom than the origin.

Prefits are easy to come buy. You can get an HLR recoil lug for the origin, making it headspace the same as a TL3
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As much as I prefer the straight bolt handle of the TL3, I bought two origins. 50% increase wasn't worth it to me. Seems like the origin prefits are catching up in popularity to the TL3 ones. I'd buy with confidence.
Origin has a swept bolt handle, pinned recoil lug, isn’t stainless steel, 20 MOA rail, choice of bolt handle.

TL3 has integral lug, straight handle, stainless steal, choice of 0,10,20,30 MOA cant on the rail, choice of port, choice of bolt handle, choice of tang thickness, and choice of mag cut. It’s a good bit more custom than the origin.

Prefits are easy to come buy. You can get an HLR recoil lug for the origin, making it headspace the same as a TL3

That breaks it down pretty well! Thanks
I had plain vanilla TL3’s prior to my origin and truthfully the origin ran smoother. I now have a DLC’d TL3 with whatever they are coating the bolt heads and they are equal to the origin.

Despite the swept handle of the origin I still had to open up an A5 remit inlet at the bolt handle a smidge
The advantage I see with the tl3 is changing barrels while leaving the action in the stock since it’s an integral lug. Pop off and on at 30-40 lbs of force and you’re good.
I only swap barrels when one is shot out though so I’ve been choosing the origin. I take it out of the action and torque them on at 100 lbs and leave it until it’s finished. If I were to want to torque a tl3 that hard I would still be removing it from the stock so might as well save myself the several hundred bucks.
Construction material choice makes no difference to me.
The advantage I see with the tl3 is changing barrels while leaving the action in the stock since it’s an integral lug. Pop off and on at 30-40 lbs of force and you’re good.
I only swap barrels when one is shot out though so I’ve been choosing the origin. I take it out of the action and torque them on at 100 lbs and leave it until it’s finished. If I were to want to torque a tl3 that hard I would still be removing it from the stock so might as well save myself the several hundred bucks.
Construction material choice makes no difference to me.

Is there a reason it is torqued more on the origin than the tl3?
One thing that has not come up so far in conversation is pin fall. I placed a call to Bighorn last week and spoke to CS. Besides everything that has already been mentioned the gentleman spoke about the difference in the pin fall between the two models. The conversation was above my head but he said the bolt lift on the tl3 is lighter than origin. Ounce the trigger is timed it may not be as much as a difference and he recommended to do so. Other than that it’s just a matter if you want to pay more for different options, if not, get the origin.
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No, the short action tl3 is a smidge shorter tenon. But if you use the slightly thinner hunts long range origin recoil lug it will allow you to run a tl3 prefit on an origin.

that would be convenient. On another note, is one action more likely to stay around and be more popular than another. This would aid in finding more bolt face, barrels, etc down the road?
Sorry but I thought of one more thing, how is bolt lift and smoothness compared between the two? Maybe someone can chime in who has used both. I am kind of finding mixed answers. If it helps I have a Ruger American predator, tikka ctr and t3, and a gunwerks grb action to compare them to.
It will depend on if your trigger has been timed to the action regarding bolt lift. My origin and tl3’s are same same on untimed TriggerTechs. All specials. I think. Maybe one diamond.
Sorry but I thought of one more thing, how is bolt lift and smoothness compared between the two? Maybe someone can chime in who has used both. I am kind of finding mixed answers. If it helps I have a Ruger American predator, tikka ctr and t3, and a gunwerks grb action to compare them to.

Depends on the set up. Tolerance stacking is real and something people don't realize or take into consideration. My Origin with smaller bolt handle and timed to a TT special trigger is much smoother on bolt lift and close than my buddies TL3 with a Timney CE trigger but my new untimed Origin Long Action with a TT Diamond is smoother than both.
On a killing rifle with less than hubbleesque optics I would go with the origin for the ability to ditch the rail and run lower scope mounts for a lower combed stock.
@cattleman99 did a good job of breaking it down in post #7.

Only constructive experience I have to add is that I prefer the TL3 action, because to me it seems easier to open the bolt. I don’t know if it is because of the swept handle on the Origin, but about a three quarters of the way up the Origin seems to hang up.
Are TL3 and Origin barrels interchangeable? Put differently, will a TL3 prefit work/headspace on an Origin?

I was interested in going this route if I could have found a sale on a left hand origin over the weekend.