OSS (AKA Huxwrx) is Anti-2A and anti-liberty


Full Member
Nov 24, 2020
It's like the folks at OSS (I'm told by OSS that "OSS" is still the technical and legal name of the company, but HUXWRX Safety Co is a DBA, FWIW), have no idea what happened when Troy Industries hired Jody Weis.

Here, they have PROUDLY announced (on Instagram and elsewhere) that they have a multi-million dollar government contract for the FBI HRT. You want to be proud of that . . . I mean, o.k. that's fine whatever . . . .kind of tone deaf, but Geissele supplies uppers, etc. for HRT, etc.)

BUT WHOA- then they PROUDLY announce that it will be for the FBI/.Gov ONLY. NOT FOR YOU LOWLY CIVILIANS! Anyone who is not one of the king's men NEED NOT APPLY. You are a second class of citizens . . .

Screw Liberty. Screw making sure the government is afraid of the people. I mean, the FBI hasn't done anything at all questionable in the last 4-6 years, am I right?


Link to the agents of tyranny announcement: https://huxwrx.com/fbi-awards-huxwrx-safety-co-with-hrt-suppressor-contract
The link is dated April 2020. Why the sudden outrage?
Check your dates again (last I checked, 2022 meant the year that occurred two years after 2020). There is more than one announcement on that page. You should look at the one that is closest to the top. If you need further confirmation. . . check their Instagram posts for today - April 1, 2022 (again, same year that is two years after 2020).
Well, I have one of their 7.62 cans in jail right now (hopefully for no more than 90 days with the new e-file system). If it does what is supposed to do and doesn't make my SCAR beat itself to death than I really don't care if they are supplying the FBI.
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The manufacturer announcement is dated April 2020, the tabloid announcement is 2022.
No, they announced the announcement today. Again, nice and slow for the nice and slow:


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Well, I have one of their 7.62 cans in jail right now (hopefully for no more than 90 days with the new e-file system). If it does what is supposed to do and doesn't make my SCAR beat itself to death than I really don't care if they are supplying the FBI.
Take it from someone who has personal experience with this: If you want a can that doesn't beat up your SCAR, get a LaRue Tranquilo. It will be equally poor at suppressing any sound, weigh as much, but cost you several hundred dollars less. Please don't misunderstand: This is NOT a recommendation for a LaRue Tranquilo. If mine didn't have a tax stamp attached to it and minimize back pressure adequately to handled my hotter-than-average loads in my PredatOBR, I would have gotten rid of it ages ago. It's one of the only cans I've ever shot (mine or otherwise) that I would definitively NOT recommend (despite how highly I think of my Larue rifles). Now - for other reasons, OSS is also on that list of "never will buy again".

As for your own personal decision - it's a free country and you're free to do what you want. I just hope you don't wonder why we're losing our rights a little more and more every day when we just blithely tolerate the incrementalism that is perpetuated on us by "our own industry". Marty Daniel pushed FIX NICS at the behest of John Cornyn. Geissele made an LEO-only rifle. Springfield Armory pushed gun control in Illinois while seeking a carve-out for themselves. BRCC betrayed Kyle Rittenhouse. And OSS is figuratively sticking a thumb in our eye by not only making something for FBI HRT, but also bragging about how we can't have it.
No, they announced the announcement today. Again, nice and slow for the nice and slow:
So to what is the April 5, 2020 date directly below the April 1, 2022 announcement referring? BTW smartass, I am a retired aerospace engineer and have likely forgotten more arithmetic than you have ever learned.
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So to what is the April 5, 2020 date directly below the April 1, 2022 announcement referring? BTW smartass, I am retired aerospace engineer and have likely forgotten more arithmetic than you have ever learned.
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It's cute when people take virtual/internet intellectual swings at anonymous people who they assume are even in their league.
Says anonymous "attorney" as she engages in that very act. While I was working for JPL and General Dynamics, you were busy becoming another worthless MBA and then another worthless attorney? What tangible value have you provided to your country? Have you ever been instrumental in creating anything that matters. MBA's and Attorneys will be the first to swing when things get spicy. BTW, welcome to ignore.
Says anonymous "attorney" as she engages in that very act. While I was working for JPL and General Dynamics, you were busy becoming another worthless MBA and then another worthless attorney? What tangible value have you provided to your country? Have you ever been instrumental in creating anything that matters. MBA's and Attorneys will be the first to swing when things get spicy. BTW, welcome to ignore.
I've helped author and lobbied for legislation that you would find favorable - much of it will never have ever known about. Much of it was infrastructure related, but I assure you it has indirectly affected every single living American.

I've foiled one ongoing Foreign Corrupt Practices Act scheme (even though I'm not in and never was in Law Enforcement). (Unlike the sports thing below, this would not have happened without me)

I was a not insignificant part of getting one major league sports franchise up and running within the last 5 years. Depending on your sports preferences, this may or may not matter to you, but it matters to one major American city pretty significantly - Hundreds of Millions of dollars to the city and thousands of jobs. They ABSOLUTELY could have done this without me, but given where I was and when I was, I figured in the "go-forward" decision and then a lot of the rest of the circus that followed it.

By the nature of my relationships on the Hill, I have been a bug in the ear of multiple Senate and House offices on 2A matters (and traps). Remember, there has been a time where there was no formal voice after the NRA discredited itself.

Speaking of the NRA - when it was mostly good, I've helped direct (and limit its use to the good stuff) a significant amount of money (significant starts with an "M").

I've been blessed to be in weird and unique situations. I can't take credit for putting myself in those situations, but I can take credit for doing the right thing for the Country (and my clients, which often intersected) when I was there.

You hear "lawyer" and think something very different than what I've been. It just goes to show the carelessness with which you have approached this ENTIRE thread. . . . all because you missed the correct date and couldn't admit it. Now . . .seriously . . . the tapioca.

Oh, you ignored me. How very octogenarian of you. Old people take pot shots and then get insolent when called out on it. I get it. . . . getting bitch-slapped online isn't fun, but you brought it on yourself.
post linkedin profiles (or similar evidence) so the rest of us know that both of you aren’t full of shit and then take it to DM.

on the actual topic: PR is going to PR, I don’t like it but if they use that contract to fund development of better stuff available to everyone then it might be fair play. Other companies have done similar in the past.
Is it possible they just have contract delivery dates that necessitate monopolizing specialized equipment, or a prohibitively high cost/low margin situation that makes commercial sales not worth it? Maybe this program pushes them over a development hump and the lessons learned get rolled into an even better commercial product? 3D printing cans is cool because you can do things that aren’t machinable, but compared to welding baffles in tubes it isn’t particularly fast.

I mean, those guys like money, maybe they’ve just got some stuff to figure out. This probably isn’t nefarious.
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I’ve never had a desire to buy an OSS. I think they’re shit is hyped up. This reminds me of that. Maybe they have a clause in the contract that FBI is the only ones who get it, or MAYBE these fuckers are going to try to hold that cheese out in front of us awhile and get some buzz going and then reverse course and get cloner money for this “best” can.

No matter. They didn’t get my money before and they won’t now.

As you were..
Who cares
Agreed... Their cans suck anyway. And what sort of stupid name is HUXWRX??? OSS was much cooler, and a nice throwback to the original days of the CIA before it became the CIA.

Also, I could be wrong on this, but the article was dated April 1st... Anyone else think maybe it was an April Fools day joke? 🤔
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Is it possible they just have contract delivery dates that necessitate monopolizing specialized equipment, or a prohibitively high cost/low margin situation that makes commercial sales not worth it? Maybe this program pushes them over a development hump and the lessons learned get rolled into an even better commercial product? 3D printing cans is cool because you can do things that aren’t machinable, but compared to welding baffles in tubes it isn’t particularly fast.

I mean, those guys like money, maybe they’ve just got some stuff to figure out. This probably isn’t nefarious.

That is the most likely reason this can "is currently only available for Military and Law Enforcement agencies". (Emphasis mine.) The feds probably ordered enough to keep a few expensive DMLS machines running for the next couple years. I don't think there is anything so secret-squirrel here that civvies can't have it.
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Agreed... Their cans suck anyway. And what sort of stupid name is HUXWRX??? OSS was much cooler, and a nice throwback to the original days of the FBI before it became the FBI.

Also, I could be wrong on this, but the article was dated April 1st... Anyone else think maybe it was an April Fools day joke? 🤔
Just correcting the history:

The OSS was formed and disbanded in WW2. In very brief:

A few years later some of them ended up in the CIA.

A few years after that some ended up prominently in Army SF.
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Member since 2020, less than 60 posts, and starts a thread just to bitch.

The math adds up, it’s always these low count users who don’t participate, there’s a definite pattern.

Let’s use some common sense here, it’s hard I know but you can do it. So one suppressor the feds want in mass isn’t “currently” available to the public, but every single other model they have is. Stay with me here, maybe they can’t keep production high enough to supply both perhaps?..

If you had a guaranteed contract where they pay exorbitant prices per unit, or have product that could sit on a shelf while you potentially lose money that sells for retail pricing which would you fulfill first? Obviously this could lead to more large contracts and money in their pocket. More large orders means more money and potentially new machines and more product.

This isn’t some super fancy secret squirrel suppressor they want to hide from the masses, apparently they need to fill this order before moving forward with anything else. If you had a product all the gear whores would want even though there’s a .gov contract you would get the product in their face too. That way when you release it to the masses they’ll be waiting.

Also, dropping “friends on the hill” and rifle names that are half what most members rimfire rig scopes cost doesn’t really impress anyone, or make you look cool. You lost any credibility you may have had doing that. If you only knew who frequents this sight. We have everyone who’s anyone from bench pressing concrete workers to Ukrainian secret squirrel gun runners who mow grass on the side, ex-feds, current feds on the clock, SF folks. I know sales guys who move tens of millions of dollars in one deal, big whoop you supposedly helped them allocate some money that never helps us in the end because the nra is democrat run garbage. Maybe you’re involvement is part of the reason they suck so badly?

You’re trying and failing to whip up some bs where it’s just a business decision for the time being. If you were really as smart as you think you are you’d recognize that. It’s one product out of all of them “currently”.

It’s a sad day when I’m the voice of reason.
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That is the most likely reason this can "is currently only available for Military and Law Enforcement agencies". (Emphasis mine.) The feds probably ordered enough to keep a few expensive DMLS machines running for the next couple years. I don't think there is anything so secret-squirrel here that civvies can't have it.

Oh wow lookie here:

Apparently it works as good as anything else on a short 5.56:

I'm sure the members who were shit-talking will be just as eager to correct the record.

Davidson's had a couple in stock two weeks ago, but I missed out by dithering for a day too long. Hopefully the backorder doesn't take too long to process.
I’m just going to throw this out there, being that this came back up… There isn’t a company in the industry that is “pro 2A and pro liberty.” They are pro money. Every damned one of them would gladly eschew the civilian consumer market of it meant guaranteed govt contracts.

“It’s not personal, Sonny. It’s business…”
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Here are some interesting stats. It's estimated there are at least 20 million AR-15's in the USA. That's like 6x more than the number of total LE and military personnel combined. Using some conservative data, it looks like there are enough AR's sold each year (at least approx 2.4M) to re-arm 70% of that number of LE+total military, every year, which obviously isn't happening.
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I’m just going to throw this out there, being that this came back up… There isn’t a company in the industry that is “pro 2A and pro liberty.” They are pro money. Every damned one of them would gladly eschew the civilian consumer market of it meant guaranteed govt contracts.

“It’s not personal, Sonny. It’s business…”

KAC is willing to do this, but most other companies would be a fraction of their current size if they only sold to governments. To support your point, yes, many companies would cut off civilian sales if it meant a guaranteed government contract, but then there are other companies that refuse to sell their products to state governments that restrict sales to civilians (pretty sure that includes TBAC, as well as Barrett and Fenix Ammunition).
I'm sure the members who were shit-talking will be just as eager to correct the record.

Correct the record? Lol. You have it backwards. The blowback (no pun intended) they got for their boot-licking, Daniel-Defense-loves-the-ATF-esque position PUSHED them to make it available for we lowly civilians. You should be thanking us, but I have a sneaking suspicion your ego won't permit it.
Wow im new to the forum and in no way take any of this serious enough to get this upset about it. I do however want to make a comment about the OSS or Huxwrx cans. I have two of them as well as other baffle cans. I believe they are superior to baffle cans on semi autos. I get less gas in the area of my face and the rifles do not speed up noticeably. I find a lot of value in that. They are all i run on DI guns. I use my baffle cans on piston guns and bolt guns only now. If i had a choice i would only own Huxwrx cans. Yes they are louder down range as far as i can tell but i do know they are quieter at my ears. Im no operator and could care less about down range noise. I use them for my own pleasure to make shooting more enjoyable.