Our Finest Hour

Dead Eye Dick

Command Spec 4 (formally known as Wiillk)
Full Member
May 18, 2020
North Louisiana
June 4th 1942

Times were beyond desperate

The enemy had the most powerful navy the world had ever seen

And this

Against unbelievable odds

Perhaps the Greatest Naval victory of the 20th Century

Perhaps ALL Centuries

May GOD bless our young men who did so much with so little, May their memory live on forever,

THIS Is Our Finest Hour.

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Japanese and US forces were at rough parity at the battle of Midway. Sure the Japanese had battleships but the US had more than one hundred extra aircraft and had broken Japanese code so they had a very good idea of what was going on while the Japanese didn't even know the US carriers were already there.
We had a lot of finest hours…

And not all of them were by the “greatest generation.”

The 101st at Ia Drang. The Marines at Khe Sahn and later at hue. The kids who jumped into Grenada on no notice. And the troops who wiped up Saddam’s army in 1991 and again in places like Falujah. The guys in Mog. And who took Afghanistan in a month (that it got FUBAR later was not their doing.)

The guys who said “let’s roll” and ended up in a field in Pennsylvania.

A few good men who stopped active shooters.

Our finest hour is yet to be recorded, imho.

But finest hours… we have a lifetime’s worth here in America. By every generation.

And while the supposed “Greatest Generation” did some amazing things… Gen X (who we all made fun of as slackers and malcontents…) has proved as great or greater than their grandparents.

Cheers, Sirhr

PS. I’m a boomer. So you know I didn’t say that lightly! ;-).
The guys who said “let’s roll” and ended up in a field in Pennsylvania.
And actually, one of the first stories out on flight 93 before it got "memory holed" was that an Air Force pilot was already in pursuit cleared hot. Even though they had decided just before 9/11 that all engagements must get approval from the WH first. Anyway, so target locked, one away.

Also reported that day, no actual wreckage at Shanksville but pieces of plane at Indian Lake, 8 miles away. That alone fits in better with a shoot down instead of a roadrunner cut in the ground with no parts at all found at that plane-shaped outline in the ground. In fact, they found a bandana and an intact ID of one of the hijackers there. No more reports on wreckage found at the lake.

But that pilot will never get recognition. It is my theory that 93 was supposed to hit Building 7 and then it could "collapse" but a pilot was doing his job and so, oopsies, the furniture fire brought the entire building uniformly to the ground in 6.7 seconds.