OXX CoffeeBoxx Review


HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    OXX CoffeeBoxx

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OmpdRGb7AHk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I dig my coffee in the morning. Many falsely repeat the old myth that as a shooter, you should not drink coffee before shooting. Wrong… If you drink coffee everyday and then don’t, you have a problem. Try telling a smoker not to smoke because it will negatively impact their shooting. Wrong again… it makes things worse with the cravings. The idea back in the day was to not start a habit like drinking a coffee or smoking. but instead it has morphed into no caffeine. The truth is, you don't want to change, doing something different is the problem, if you drink coffee, keep drinking coffee.

    So the question is, how do we get fresh coffee on the range ? Enter the OXX COFFEEBOXX

    Crush Proof

    Spill Proof

    Rust Proof

    Water Resistant

    Dust Resistant

    Impact Resistant


    The OXX CoffeeBoxx is a single cup brewer designed to be taken with you. It’s built just like a small cooler, but features a K-Cup coffeemaker inside. It’s pretty darn light at 12LBS, weighs about the same as your Ruger Precision Rifle. And is resistant to most of what you would find out in the field, minus the gun shots. We have moved beyond the thermos, especially if you have access power. Could be the job site, could be the range, if you can plug it, you want to carry the OXX Coffeeboxx.

    The unit lives up to all those features. And it comes in TactiCool Colors like Desert Tan and Spec Ops Black. The Perfect Brew

    [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/www.snipershide.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/03\/2017-01-25-11.02.54-HDR-640x480.jpg"}[/IMG2] Oxx Coffeeboxx
    I have religiously been drinking from the OXX CoffeeBoxx. It takes about 75 seconds to brew the coffee and we started out using their WorkHorse Brand Coffee. I actually moved my Nespresso maker off the coffee bar to make room for the OXX box as I wanted to see how it holds up to constant use. Everyday starts out with a cup of joe from the Coffeeboxx.

    As K-Cup coffeemakers go, the OXX very good, makes a great cup of coffee. There are two doors on the top, one front, one back. The back door is for the water reservoir and the front is for the K Cup. The CoffeeBoxx holds 2.5L of water or 84.5oz. This is put in a removable tank you fill from the faucet. Gives you about 10 cups of coffee per. Then just drop in the K Cup in the front hatch. The control panel is super easy to navigate. Turn it on, when the green lights highlight the buttons, you can select from 3 sizes. This part is sealed to prevent any problems from water, dust, dirt, etc.

    It’s takes a few seconds to heat up the water, the heating light will remain lit until ready, then switch over to the green lights. One note when traveling. The unit is rated for 1450W but trying it with a 1500W or less power inverter did not have enough juice to fire it up. I had a conversation online with another OXX Box user and we found a 2000W inverter is a better choice to tackle that initial spark for the water heater.

    It comes with a 3ft retractable cord, so really it’s designed for 120 volts of house power, and never misses a step when plugged into a wall. A camper or RV will have no trouble either.

    Too easy to throw the OXX CoffeeBoxx in the back of the truck and head on out with it. Especially if you have a range that has power. You’ll be every shooter’s best friend bringing an OXX Box to your local competition. Especially on those crisp or wet mornings.

    The OXX Box is rated for 1500lBS, making it crush proof. For me, I am gonna us it to stand on during Barricade Stages since the PRS put that top position over my head. This will give me the extra foot I need. Shoot a stage, have a brew, winning. WorkHorse Coffee

    [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/www.snipershide.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/03\/IMG_0321-640x480.jpg"}[/IMG2] Workhorse coffee
    This was the brand of coffee provided with the unit and I have to say, it was very good. I like the 2x the caffeine version the best, but both were equally excellent. The unit works with all types of K Cups, I have run everything from StarBucks to Dunkin Donut brands and everything in-between.

    OXX Coffeeboxx is marketed for guys who work outside like on a construction job site, but it's equally at home at the range. The portability makes it a versatile, just toss it in the truck, plug it in, fresh coffee in less than 2 minutes. For my Brit and Aussie friends, you even have a separate hot water spout for some tea.

    Talking coffee is not a typical endeavor for Sniper's Hide, but anyone that knows me or has been on the range with me, knows coffee is ever present. The Oxx Coffeeboxx is icing on my cake. The Durability is vastly superior to any consumer coffeemaker out there, you'll be much more secure carrying the Coffeeboxx over any other maker.

    This is a great addition to the shooter’s gear BOXX.

    Retailing for $250, you can find these online or at places like Home Depot. The OXX CoffeeBoxx, look for it at the 2017 Sniper’s Hide Cup down at Rifles Only as I will not be without my OXX CoffeeBoxx. Stop by for a brew. Features

    • Separate on-demand hot water line

    • Six external stainless steel tie-downs

    • 3-ft. retractable power cord, 120V AC

    • Rubberized carrying handle

    • Removable drip tray

    • Replaceable carbon filter

    • Auto-off

    • Accessories available Specs

    • Works with all single serve coffee pods

    • 120V AC, 60Hz, 1450 Watts

    • 11”L X 9” W X 11.5”H

    • 12 Lbs empty

    • 2.5L/84.5 oz water tank

    For More details Visit the Oxx website
    I like it! That's how a coffee maker should be made. I'd not heard of it before now, so I'll have to look into it. We've brought the "Cup'O Joe boxes from Dunkin' before to matches, but only some people drink it early, then the rest gets cold. This is a better idea for that use.
    Due to our intended 'living on the boat' for a time, this coming summer... I have been doing my best to perfect the "morning coffee routine" with a process that is able to be done with either/or 12v electric supply and gas flame. Our morning coffee consists of Freedom Press coffee (strong) with added espresso from a moka pot. Add some chocolate milk to that, then the day is golden. With essentially "hifty/hifty/hifty" proportions.

    Can the OXX BOXX do that? ;P

    And yes, 1 'cup' is about the equivalent to a "regular taxpayer's" pot of coffee.
    Due to our intended 'living on the boat' for a time, this coming summer... I have been doing my best to perfect the "morning coffee routine" with a process that is able to be done with either/or 12v electric supply and gas flame. Our morning coffee consists of Freedom Press coffee (strong) with added espresso from a moka pot. Add some chocolate milk to that, then the day is golden. With essentially "hifty/hifty/hifty" proportions.

    Can the OXX BOXX do that? ;P

    And yes, 1 'cup' is about the equivalent to a "regular taxpayer's" pot of coffee.

    Delete the chocolate and we would be good. I like paint remover grade Joe.
    That is pretty cool, I'm not much on the k cups, I like my coffee strong enough where it's like crude oil. Yeah no coffee and go shoot... Not going to work real well... I have the attention span of a butterfly with no coffee.
    Due to our intended 'living on the boat' for a time, this coming summer... I have been doing my best to perfect the "morning coffee routine" with a process that is able to be done with either/or 12v electric supply and gas flame. Our morning coffee consists of Freedom Press coffee (strong) with added espresso from a moka pot. Add some chocolate milk to that, then the day is golden. With essentially "hifty/hifty/hifty" proportions.

    Can the OXX BOXX do that? ;P

    And yes, 1 'cup' is about the equivalent to a "regular taxpayer's" pot of coffee.

    Sean, since your beautiful countrymen introduced me to them in Afgh, I shall return the favor: if you've never tried them get some Nescafé 3 in 1 coffee packets.

    There's several flavors to chose from. The Espresso packs (green color pouch) are my personal favorite. Simple little foil pack with coffee, sugar, and creamer all premixed. Heat your water in an electric kettle and you're good. They allowed us to make fresh coffee on the go whenever we were near a LAV with its aux power. Added bonus was you can dump a pouch or two into a bottle of cold water for "iced" coffee or could throw a water bottle of coffee into an MRE heater bag and get reasonably hot tasty coffee.

    Theyre not a substitute for "real" coffee, but they're great for what they are and crazy convenient.
    Good review But please wear one of these if you're going to be reviewing tactical gear.

    What the fuck is going on in here....

    New rule. "Lionel Richie" hair or better, basement accommodations, 5" wide suspenders, and you have to appear to be making significant strides towards getting tanked. Decorating the walls "where the magic happens" like a teenager is strongly advised.



    • bYR9D6y.jpg
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    The whole time watching their promo video I just kept thinking it would be awesome if it was lithium rechargeable. I know makita makes an 18v coffee pot but no where near as Bullet proof as this one

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    It's the only way for me to make friends with the PRS Sponsored Shooters, give them something for free...

    So a cup of coffee is my version of a bribe so they stop saying mean things about me

    Haters gonna' Hate. People are going to hate on you anyway. No matter what you try to give those entitled pricks! Doesn't everybody owe them something?

    Side note, I did notice how you turned of the comments on you main page post? I thought someone might give you hard time about pedaling this great coffee maker.

    This probably is the right section for comments.

    To Quote the German "What the fuck is going on here?"
    Isn't this the Bear pit, did I come to the right place?
    What are all these nice comments?
    Where's the shit talking?
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    Never had coffee from a French press, gas station coffee is my speed.

    All joking and trash-talking aside, if you truly want the flavors and essences out of the beans you are buying, the Freedom Press is the way to go. Not to detract from our fearless leader's thread.... but there's a difference between "the Press" and "the Shotgun Shell". I've ran a 'high-dollar' espresso machine here at the house for years, and now it has been parked for a moka-pot. Which adds to the Freedom Press.

    It all depends on what you want out of your coffee. Which in turn depends on what you put into your purchase.
    The whole time watching their promo video I just kept thinking it would be awesome if it was lithium rechargeable. I know makita makes an 18v coffee pot but no where near as Bullet proof as this one

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    At 1500 watts it aint gonna happen unless you wanna splurge about 1500 bucks on a big and heavy generator sized setup.
    Frank, does this machine make a truly hot cup of coffee?

    Looks like a very well thought out design, and obviously rugged, appreciate the heads up.

    Did we get this settled out? Heat level on Keurig systems tends to be anemic in my experience. Got everything here, except for a big boy, copper-plated, eagle-on-top steam espresso machine.
    So I was thinking of doing a group buy thing, with Lowlight donning a Weird Al'ish wig and doing a serious tactical gear review, for charity.
    Rules: He cannot mention or otherwise disclose that the video is anything but 100% authentic and on the up and up. No mention of the wig or acknowledgement of its presence.

    Youtube for max exposure.
    Goal - $1000
    Buy in - $20 a shot x 50 constibutors

    Whaddaya think?
    So I was thinking of doing a group buy thing, with Lowlight donning a Weird Al'ish wig and doing a serious tactical gear review, for charity.
    Rules: He cannot mention or otherwise disclose that the video is anything but 100% authentic and on the up and up. No mention of the wig or acknowledgement of its presence.

    Youtube for max exposure.
    Goal - $1000
    Buy in - $20 a shot x 50 constibutors

    Whaddaya think?

    But why would you want to rope Frank in when we already have access to a proven master of internet marketing techniques? I mean, Frank is Frank, and who else could have sold all those cases of Spin-D®? But let's not bog him down.


    The man is a phenom. Hell, he wears Underoos made out of Austrian beech wood and takes point like a Wal*Mart Gurkha with his "bad mamma-jamma."

    My advice? Go with experience, Tucker.
    But why would you want to rope Frank in when we already have access to a proven master of internet marketing techniques? I mean, Frank is Frank, and who else could have sold all those cases of Spin-D®? But let's not bog him down.

    The man is a phenom. Hell, he wears Underoos made out of Austrian beech wood and takes point like a Wal*Mart Gurkha with his "bad mamma-jamma."

    My advice? Go with experience, Tucker.

    One must always carry a bad mamma-jamma in the woods...
