Take another look. That page I cited says that you may use a gun mounted/non-laser light. Right-hand page, about one third down. Read it carefully, you'll see....
Used to be you could use a light, but couldn't have it attached to your firearm. I believe that requirement has since been amended, and you can now have a gun mounted light as well.
NV gear is OK for getting to/from hunting area, but cannot be used to take game.
For the OP's sake, some guy saying "yep" on the internet really doesn't help him.
I was intentionally vague, so that the OP would have to find this info out from a legimate source for himself.
I strongly recommend you get iron clad confirmation about these regs from the PA Game Commission. Because "some guy on the Hide said it was legal" prolly won't fly as an excuse with the Game Warden if you're in the wrong...