Painting and Stripping the Remington M24


Full Member
Dec 1, 2010
BLUFF: What method of paint removal can one use on the Remington M24 powder coated finish to remove paint without damaging the powder coating?

OK this question is not so much about painting the M24 as it is about stripping paint off. I've painted rifles for years and stripped them with either paint thinner or Kutzit paint remover with no problems or issues. The Remington M24 presents me with a potentially larger problem. It's powder coated or "RemCoated" if you want to use Remington's vernacular.

Our finest US Army snipers have been painting their M24s since 1988 so someone out there should have some good info for me here. Painting and preparation are not the issue but if and when I want to take the paint off, will my removal chemicals damage this precious weapon? This in not a GI M24 that I can simply send back to Remington to have it refinished at government expense, it's my M24 and I'm sure Remington would charge me a pretty penny to refinish it.

The paint I prefer is Aervoe even though Army suggests Rust-0-Leum in their latest approved weapons painting procedures. ( For paint removal they suggest spraying the weapon with CLP (Break Free) and letting that sit for 60+ minutes and then rub or scrub off the paint. CLP would certainly not damage the M24 and may work on Rust-0-Leum paint but CLP doesn't work on Aervoe paint.

What method of paint removal can one use on the Remington M24 powder coated finish to remove paint without damaging the powder coating? While were at it, will the caustic bore solvents like Sweet's 7.62 or Shooters Choice damage the powder coating?
Re: Painting and Stripping the Remington M24

Acetone, just use acetone and you should be fine. I personally think the Army is retarded to say to use CLP and let it sit for 60 minutes, hell in 60 minutes you should be done stripping the action and stock with Acetone. You could also use a good brake cleaner that comes in a spray can and that should be fine on the orginial finish. If you aren't sure if it will harm the finish try it out on the underside of the action or barrel where it won't be noticeable. As for the solvents, I don't think they will harm the original Remington finish but I wouldn't leave it on there for a long period of time to be on the safe side. Those solvents will eat up a non-permanent rattle can finish though.
Re: Painting and Stripping the Remington M24

Well Acetone was on my mind but a friend of mine that was not good for epoxy/baked on finishes. I hadn't thought of brake cleaner. I use that to clear the bore of CLP before shooting. I won't use either of them until I use on a test spot. Thanks.
Re: Painting and Stripping the Remington M24

I've long wanted to experiment with thinned latex paint as a temporary camoflauge finish. It should be durable enough for temporary use, but it can be easily removed with denatured alcohol, which won't damage any gun finish that I'm aware of.

Re: Painting and Stripping the Remington M24

Acetone worked for us just fine (although we just used krylon). The "Remcoat" is pretty robust. best of luck
Re: Painting and Stripping the Remington M24

Brake Cleaner SHOULD work... MAKE SURE YOU DONT get the Chlorinated form...

Just will have to apply some oil afterwards to bring back some brighter finish to the metal.