Palm Bay Magnet High School, .. "two female students “engaged in a fist fight during school hours,”

Hobo Hilton

Full Member
Jun 4, 2011
Pacific Northwest
Note: This is a "Magnet School" where, supposedly the best of the best attend. Just label me as "Old" but if this would have occurred during my high school years, the out come would have been 180 degrees opposite of this conclusion. Use your imagination.

Note: This is a "Magnet School" where, supposedly the best of the best attend. Just label me as "Old" but if this would have occurred during my high school years, the out come would have been 180 degrees opposite of this conclusion. Use your imagination.


Dont need a lot of imagination..

-Several students with large dental bills

- Many students expelled

-Some really sore student ass's after they go home

-Adult relative in jail