Can you site a few examples of employees, that are have a carry permit, after being robbed, "just start popping off rounds"????? When you say they would 'just start popping off rounds, do you mean with their eyes closed, or do you mean that they would just start shooting at the customers? I just don't see how working at Panera would make you act differently than in 100,000s of cases where an Armed Citizen was able to keep from being killed, keep others from being killed, or from being robbed. Are the fumes from Panera's bread that intoxicating? The evidence, based on years worth of data (even the liberals own FBI) shows armed citizens are less likely to be killed or robbed etc. than unarmed, now, if Panera is not hiring American citizens, I guess the data may not have as much validity. But all in all, if a Panera employee has a Concealed Carry Permit, in TN, he/she had to attend classes and range qualify-this in no way makes them ready for whipping ass up at Camp Perry, however; I don't see anyone I know with a permit, "just start popping off rounds", then reloading and popping off another high cap mag, it sounds ridiculous.