Paparock Is Back !


Lost Squirrel
Full Member
  • Aug 7, 2011
    PNW WA
    I swear to Krist, if this isn't the infamous "Paparock" The German will have Bender give you a handjob. I'm not kidding.

    I've been sitting on this jewel of a PM since Oct 14th. That's a no shitter. Literally. But today? Today is a new day and I needed entertainment. This all stems from a thread regarding the good ole question of "Should I carry one in the Toob, or Not". And then Steven Seagull chimes in with this drivel. So not impressed, and for good measure he's got so much of his info fuckered up I couldn't have set this up any better.

    For your perusal:

    you seem obsessed with me regarding the shared exchange... so let's settle this....

    Who I am.... I am about to turn 72 years old... a 1970 class member of the United States Naval Academy... served my 5 active and another 15 in the reserves... fully retired from the Reserves as a Commander... for you that is the equivalent of a Lt. Colonel in the Marine Corps... I earned by spurs... after service time I had a full career in IT after MBA from Penn.. retired from CISCO as a Regional Manager for the North East Region... I consider myself intelligent, professional and a devout Christian of the Methodist faith and a life long member of the Republican Party... I am 16th generation in this country with the first of my family arriving from Scotland in 1638, settling in Tidewater Virginia...

    I have a particular approach to concealed carry that is mine, and I own it... I am not alone... apparently that creates an issue of ridicule and humor for you.. which is fine... as I have said, it is a personal choice... part of my training came from the Academy and active service as an Ensign, which at times had me assigned as a junior officer as in charge of in port Shore Patrol.. sidearms were always carried in an unchambered condition... I carry that with me.... I make no excuses for my choice, it is personal... and to me no subject to public ridicule... I consider that choice to address my approach as immature... not something to be attacked and with an attempt to publicly humiliate...

    You carry it to far with your humor trying to equate my ID with Hunter Biden... I think you need to cease and desist in that regard.... you do as you please, you certainly have the right to do that... but leave the association of my ID to a criminal among us out of your ranting

    Well, this was fun the last time. In.

    He's currently "Star Gazing" or some bullshit.

    CMDR CupCake of the USS Pelican Raper wants you to know he's an accomplished idiot, and will go to great lengths to let you know. What in the hell is wrong with people.

    lmfao Fully retired from the Reserves. That's like what? A couple Ladder Rungs under the Salvation Army ain't it?
    well, isn't this fun? "ij04", the real man... I sent you a private email back in October, as you certainly love having fun... but, you didn't have the guts to respond to me there, so you do this? hahaha... is this your form of jacking off for everyone? go with it..

    So besides carrying like a fud... What else should we know about you? Are you a master of the Phoenix Eye?
    I don’t even know what that means..., I searched and found nothing🤷🏾‍♂️

    @Strykervet @Waorani lol

    I swear to Krist, if this isn't the infamous "Paparock" The German will have Bender give you a handjob. I'm not kidding.

    I've been sitting on this jewel of a PM since Oct 14th. That's a no shitter. Literally. But today? Today is a new day and I needed entertainment. This all stems from a thread regarding the good ole question of "Should I carry one in the Toob, or Not". And then Steven Seagull chimes in with this drivel. So not impressed, and for good measure he's got so much of his info fuckered up I couldn't have set this up any better.

    For your perusal:

    you seem obsessed with me regarding the shared exchange... so let's settle this....

    Who I am.... I am about to turn 72 years old... a 1970 class member of the United States Naval Academy... served my 5 active and another 15 in the reserves... fully retired from the Reserves as a Commander... for you that is the equivalent of a Lt. Colonel in the Marine Corps... I earned by spurs... after service time I had a full career in IT after MBA from Penn.. retired from CISCO as a Regional Manager for the North East Region... I consider myself intelligent, professional and a devout Christian of the Methodist faith and a life long member of the Republican Party... I am 16th generation in this country with the first of my family arriving from Scotland in 1638, settling in Tidewater Virginia...

    I have a particular approach to concealed carry that is mine, and I own it... I am not alone... apparently that creates an issue of ridicule and humor for you.. which is fine... as I have said, it is a personal choice... part of my training came from the Academy and active service as an Ensign, which at times had me assigned as a junior officer as in charge of in port Shore Patrol.. sidearms were always carried in an unchambered condition... I carry that with me.... I make no excuses for my choice, it is personal... and to me no subject to public ridicule... I consider that choice to address my approach as immature... not something to be attacked and with an attempt to publicly humiliate...

    You carry it to far with your humor trying to equate my ID with Hunter Biden... I think you need to cease and desist in that regard.... you do as you please, you certainly have the right to do that... but leave the association of my ID to a criminal among us out of your ranting

    I really enjoy a good handy so this is tough. Will confer with Dirty D...😅
    I swear to Krist, if this isn't the infamous "Paparock" The German will have Bender give you a handjob. I'm not kidding.

    I've been sitting on this jewel of a PM since Oct 14th. That's a no shitter. Literally. But today? Today is a new day and I needed entertainment. This all stems from a thread regarding the good ole question of "Should I carry one in the Toob, or Not". And then Steven Seagull chimes in with this drivel. So not impressed, and for good measure he's got so much of his info fuckered up I couldn't have set this up any better.

    For your perusal:

    you seem obsessed with me regarding the shared exchange... so let's settle this....

    Who I am.... I am about to turn 72 years old... a 1970 class member of the United States Naval Academy... served my 5 active and another 15 in the reserves... fully retired from the Reserves as a Commander... for you that is the equivalent of a Lt. Colonel in the Marine Corps... I earned by spurs... after service time I had a full career in IT after MBA from Penn.. retired from CISCO as a Regional Manager for the North East Region... I consider myself intelligent, professional and a devout Christian of the Methodist faith and a life long member of the Republican Party... I am 16th generation in this country with the first of my family arriving from Scotland in 1638, settling in Tidewater Virginia...

    I have a particular approach to concealed carry that is mine, and I own it... I am not alone... apparently that creates an issue of ridicule and humor for you.. which is fine... as I have said, it is a personal choice... part of my training came from the Academy and active service as an Ensign, which at times had me assigned as a junior officer as in charge of in port Shore Patrol.. sidearms were always carried in an unchambered condition... I carry that with me.... I make no excuses for my choice, it is personal... and to me no subject to public ridicule... I consider that choice to address my approach as immature... not something to be attacked and with an attempt to publicly humiliate...

    You carry it to far with your humor trying to equate my ID with Hunter Biden... I think you need to cease and desist in that regard.... you do as you please, you certainly have the right to do that... but leave the association of my ID to a criminal among us out of your ranting

    Well you may not know it but this man's a spy
    He's an undercover agent for the FBI
    And he's been sent down here to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan
    He was still bent over holdin' on to his knee
    But everyone else was lookin' and listenin' to me
    And I layed it on thicker and heavier as I went
    I said would you beleive this man has gone as far
    As tearin' Trump stickers off the bumpers of cars
    And he voted for Joe Biden for president
    Well he's a friend of them long-haired hippie type pinko fags
    I betcha he's even got a Commie flag
    Tacked up on the wall inside of his garage
    He's a snake in the grass I tell ya guys
    He may look dumb but that's jus a disguise
    He's a mastermind in the ways of espionage

    They all started lookin' real suspicious at him
    And he jumped up an' said jes' wait a minute Jim
    You know he's lyin' I've been livin' here all of my life
    I'm a faithfull follower of Brother John Burch
    And I belong to the Antioch Baptist Church
    And I ain't even got a garage you can call home and ask my wife
    Amazon review:

    Having been a part of the program mentioned in this book from 1969 -1971 having been picked by a Special Forces Cadre out of the regular ROTC program into a U. S. Army Counterinsurgency Training Unit inside yet separate from that training received by the rest of the ROTC corps I identify with this book. From my sophomore year in college till graduation I was part of the "Counterguerrilla Units that Flourished in ROTC" and I must say it was much better training than standard ROTC fare at least where I went to school first in southern Arkansas and later in eastern New Mexico. As one of the Green Beret Instructors said " we are going to teach you to do to the V.C. what the V.C. does to everyone else." They lived up to that and much much more in my book!

    The three years I spent in these units changed who I was and how I viewed the world around me as well as how the college world viewed me. I was no longer a college kid but became a very serious focused individual that my fellow college students knew was not to one to be taken lightly. Example: sit-ins at the ROTC building would part to allow me to walk into the building unimpeded. Rumors had spread about me across campus as I was a full military scholarship student, 6 feet 5 inches and 210 pounds as well a as martial arts student. Having sat in on SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) meetings, on the front row, in my full military uniform had only fueled the rumor mill after the chapter president had order me left alone saying, " I liked to study my enemies and it would be to costly to remove me." He knew me personally.

    These "special units" set up within the ROTC program but run by Special Forces Cadres changed a lot of ROTC cadets lives if not what happened after they left their respective Cadet Corps.

    This book highlights the thinking and training formulated during Vietnam that changed the U.S. Army or at least it should have. The lessons hard fought and learned through history should be remember to make us better but it does not always work that way in the first "war"/"police action" America retreated from without a clear victory. Some say America has been in retreat ever since.

    It took those steeped in such "training" and "understanding" to bring it back in the form of the "Surge" to turn Iraq around and that alone is controversial within some military circles though why is a question.