My first hunch and suspicion, is that this was a person with a severe case of PTSD from having been in one of the Democrat run torture prisons.
Running into an arrogant uniform hanger with a gun, a badge and a god complex.
My first guess on the report is that it went down like this
Uniform hanger says they are going to arrest the person and throw them in jail because well uniform hanger needs to put the boots to somebody to make themselves feel good.
Guy with severe PTSD freaks out at the threat of going back to a torture prison
Uniform hanger does what uniform hanger really wants and murders him.
My first guess would be something like this happens:
Uniform hanger gets in no trouble at all and gets high fives from their fellow uniform hangers and if not already in the club, gets an invite into the "killed someone and got away with it" club.
Local taxpayers wind up eventually having to fork out some money to cover the misdeeds of the uniform hanger.
Nothing changes.