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Pedophile Biden's DOJ to sue Texas over the floating barrier in the Rio Grande


Two Star General
Full Member
Jul 20, 2020
Anyone still naive, stupid or in denial the Left isn't trying to destroy America, get a load of this.

The DOJ is suing a state, Texas, for protecting it's borders and disrupting O'Biden's invasion plan.

Gov. Abbot should arrest any member of the DOJ caught in Texas.

Its something Texas should have done long ago. Along with rebuilding the wall wherever Joe took it down. They want to mean business, let border property owners take care of business.

In truth, Abbott has turned the other way since he has gone full-blown WEF.

I am still not sure why southern states are pumping money into the fed for not doing it's job sure me for not paying federal taxes when they are not doing the job you pay them to do . everything else is lip service .

Oh, you mean defying the Supreme Courts "Remain in Mexico" which they are in blatant defiance of? My neighborhood is already GONE and it ain't coming back. Those eighty dems that want this floating wall down - they can take the migrants that are already here. And keep any and all walls, floating or otherwise, up and reinforced. LEGAL immigration only. They are just supplying the cartels their bodies and business at our expense.

I guess its time for Rosetta stone Spanish.
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not entirely every state collects money for the fed they transfer either every night or every few nights to a federal bank they pay this money not because it's a nice thing to do but for services rendered ( pave roads and help to keep the military running ) in theory the states could as far as I have read stop there payment to the fed for not doing the jobs they are supposed to be doing and since the largest producing states of tax revenue are southern republican state they could pull the money and starve the fed I am sure a court in Washington would try and keep that from happening but for a while or at least till the supreme court could make a ruling those states could choke the federal government . if no one is ever going to take steps needed to protect the country why pay for a government that is not doing there job .
not entirely every state collects money for the fed they transfer either every night or every few nights to a federal bank they pay this money not because it's a nice thing to do but for services rendered ( pave roads and help to keep the military running ) in theory the states could as far as I have read stop there payment to the fed for not doing the jobs they are supposed to be doing and since the largest producing states of tax revenue are southern republican state they could pull the money and starve the fed I am sure a court in Washington would try and keep that from happening but for a while or at least till the supreme court could make a ruling those states could choke the federal government . if no one is ever going to take steps needed to protect the country why pay for a government that is not doing there job .

Punctuation please?
I am still not sure why southern states are pumping money into the fed for not doing it's job sure me for not paying federal taxes when they are not doing the job you pay them to do . everything else is lip service .
Your Federal tax dollars are whats supporting the illegals once they get here.

In the eyes of Obama and his Globalist Jewish handlers, you're the enemy, not them.
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the states ought to deputize people to secure the border and use national guard toops. If the Fed try to arrest or the like, then say action will be met with action and let's get this started. unreal the Fed Gov't is not protecting our border or our people.

The states need to literally say, 'if the gov't won't, we will and any attempt to intervene will be met with force and another civil war'

The fed can sue someone for defending the borders that they are supposed to protect? If you try to sue them for something illegal they are doing it gets dismissed with no standing if you haven't been "harmed." Remember, no standing to sue until the election has been certified no one has been harmed. Election is certified now we can't do anything about it, its a done deal. I wonder how the DOJ has been harmed by the floating barrier to give them standing in court.