Sidearms & Scatterguns Permently attached....poly choke


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Oct 28, 2019
Port byron ,il
Was a mossberg 500 i got from a relative anout a year ago and was sitting in the closet til last week decided to get it out and clean it up as it was absolutely disgusting....and then with it not being worth much decided to chop it and use the existing polychoke as a portion of the muzzle device

Ive gone back an forth on how i want to attach it think its a little thin barrel wise for a pin, devated just welding it on around and cleaning up the weld this is just a spare short gun and will be painted once im done

So any other thoughts? Or suggestions
The PolyChoke device was the pioneer before screw-in chokes were conceived. Unless you need to violate the history of the closet find, I would keep it clean and use it as a remembrance story telling object for your family members. Polychoke gone, memories gone. Just sayin',
Gun is already cut ig locally these arnt to hard to get hands on and im not one that cares much about vintage firearms

I actually happen to like the concept which is why its still on the gun.....just missing 10in of barrel

I've done this exact thing with a Model 12 that was cut down to 18.5" before I got it... The above responses are the way, silver solder is the answer. Incidentally, at least in my case, even on extra full choke, the pattern is still massive... Good luck, man.


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