Re: pet loads
Remington Express Core-Lokts. I'm just an average hunter.
I reload for match shooting because the ratio of development vs application rounds is reasonable. For hunting, I just don't shoot enough application rounds that reinventing a hunting load is either cost or time-effective. Further, The factories earn their bread and butter from hunting ammo; so turning out piss-poor ammo is not in their interest. I'd rather let them expend <span style="font-style: italic">their</span> time and <span style="font-style: italic">their</span> money perfecting a load. By the time I'd be done developing my own load, their stuff would be a fraction of my cost.
IMHO, the grand majority of hunting requirements are more than adequately resolved using factory hunting ammo.
The closest I will come to making hunting ammo would be to substitute a nearly identical hunting bullet (i.e a 180gr GameKing for a 175gr MatchKing, I've used enough as a stopgap substitute with 45gr of Varget in match shooting to know they shoot the same) for a match bullet using match load specs, retiring my about-shot-out brass for one last cycle as hunting ammo.