I read a weekly TX hunting news paper article that stated the Simintar Horned Oryx were likely to be placed on a hunting ban list. These fuck sticks propose since these animals are extinct in their home ranges of North Africa we should not hunt them here. Never mind the estimated 15,000 animals estimated thriving here due 100% to HUNTERS.
Fact is without value everythin on this planet will go extinct. This animal, white rinos, aligators and countless species have been saved by hunters. When are these ignorant, self-righteous, Ted Kennedy want-a-be's bitches going to wake up and stop tree fucking or throwing piss bombs outside ranch gates and get out of our way so we can help re-populate N. Africa w/ a new herd.
We are the true animal activests offering solutions, not just a political stance. I was happy to hand over 68.00 for the right to hunt this season. I garrentee Peta doesn't have that kind of commitment from its lilly pantied general members.
The article said things needed to go for a vote and other congressional BS, so start bending the ears of some representitives.
Fact is without value everythin on this planet will go extinct. This animal, white rinos, aligators and countless species have been saved by hunters. When are these ignorant, self-righteous, Ted Kennedy want-a-be's bitches going to wake up and stop tree fucking or throwing piss bombs outside ranch gates and get out of our way so we can help re-populate N. Africa w/ a new herd.
We are the true animal activests offering solutions, not just a political stance. I was happy to hand over 68.00 for the right to hunt this season. I garrentee Peta doesn't have that kind of commitment from its lilly pantied general members.
The article said things needed to go for a vote and other congressional BS, so start bending the ears of some representitives.