Photo Request WOA Narrow or CLE SDM Fluting Under Handguard & Gas Block To Muzzle


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Nov 28, 2019
CLE = Compass Lake Engineering
WOA = White Oak Armament

I have seen standard fluting (7 straight flutes) under the handguard and additionally from the gas block to muzzle, but not for SDM (10-12 deep flutes) fluting.

Below is a photo of a CLE barrel with SDM fluting under the handguard. I understand this fluting is also offered between the gas block and muzzle by WOA and CLE, but WOA calls it narrow when added between the gas block and muzzle.

Does anyone have a barrel with WOA narrow fluting or CLE SDM fluting under the handguard and also from the gas block to the muzzle they can take a picture of? I have not been able to find a photo anywhere.

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