Pistol grip stocks: why aren't there more


Oct 27, 2008
Denton TX
Title pretty much says it. Pistol grip stocks look like they would be more comfortable to use in just about any position and give your arm and wrist a more natural alignment. I've been practicing getting into prone position in my hall way and my forearm is getting a little tender from the slight but constant twisting pressure. So to the question at hand, whats so bad about pistol grip stocks do people not make good ones or is it more a traditionalist kind of thing.

Re: Pistol grip stocks: why aren't there more

If your getting prone fast with a heavy gun , your ALOT more likely to stick the muzzle in the dirt if you have a pistol grip stock , trust me I've been their done that with a heavy ass AR-10.

I like a pistol grip on my rifles but most of rifles are heavy and I do shoot from prone a good bit so I opt for an A-5 style stock , give the best of both worlds.

A little advice other than work your wrist more (not jerking off) is to brace the butt of the rifle accross the bottom of your forarm this wil give your way more leverage than just trying to grip the gun and not nose dive it , but it will add a noticable amout of stress to the shoulder so its gonna get sore the first several sessions