I have a hybrid with over 3000 rounds through it now. Have shot the full spread through it from 9mm up to 338lm.
Pros: light...supresses mid range centerfire rifle really well. Durable bafflestack. Removeable anchor brake endcap really helps take recoil off. Highly versitle can. Might be the quietest can I have heard suppressing 45 acp.
Cons: outer sleeve is glued on. I have a tight knit shooting group with probably 30 cans between us all
@kocustoms , 3 of us with hybrids all 3 have had the sleeve unglue under full auto fire. Not a huge deal as the end cap keeps the sleeve on the can. Not the best option for 9mm and 338 lapua is not hearing safe also kicks pretty good. You can end up spending a ton on attachments. I like the 556 9mm and the 30 Cal brake. All the others are unnecessary imo. Also my suppressor sights don't clear the can.
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