Places I really wouldnt want to be, for a thousand Alex.

Supposedly 5 million shoed up.
Hey diaper rash. Let’s see you run for 90 seconds let alone 90 minutes. STFU and get back to selling your organs on eBay.
Just as soon as you can say exactly how long a soccer match is going to be.......before the game starts.

BTW, only a couple of guys are running around. the rest are laying down faking injuries from impacts that never occurred.
and crying like school girls.
I like the idea of being part of a country-wide celebration like that. But I’d need a helicopter on standby to get me the fuck out of there after about 15 minutes. Times Square at 10pm on a Wednesday was orders of magnitude more people than I care to be around at once, this looks like an anxiety attack just waiting to happen
I wonder how many of them protested their national anthem, knelt in protest, made hand gestures against their flag, etc...kind of like that carbon unit released by Russia a few days ago.