Poor Groups - What to check next time out?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Feb 10, 2019
Idalia Colorado
I have a savage model 12 6.5 creed that normally shoots 1/2" groups for me with factory hornady 140 gr ELDMs. During my range time yesterday the gun didn't shoot as tight (maybe .75 - 1 inch ish on the few groups I shot... However, a few variable come into play at this range session vs the ones prior when I was shooting 1/2" groups.

I recently had the barreled action sent off and had a brake mounted. After getting the barreled action back I put it back in with 50in/lbs torque on the action screws (HS precision stock with aluminum bedding block).

during my worse than normal groups I had a magnetospeed mounted to the end of the barrel (velocity SD was fairly high but maybe this was because I started with a clean barrel).

My question is, what should I tweak or look at to try to get back to shooting 1/2" or smaller groups with this gun. I'm thinking that shooting with the magneto speed mounted can mess with groupings? Maybe starting with a clean barrel affected accuracy/velocity spread and it didn't get enough carbon fouling worked up to be consistent? Or maybe I need to tweak action screw torque?

Any insight appreciated.
1) magnetospeed mounted to your barrel can for sure have an effect. some people experience BETTER groups, some experience worse.

you can buy a mount like Wiser or MKM and that keeps the chrono off your barrel.

2) your first few shots through a squeeky clean barrel will be definitely slower. in my experience - up to 70fps slower. i usually shoot 3-5 rounds before i start recording data.

but since i handload and know where my load should go. i still shoot over the chrono and just delete the shots that are no where near my expected speed.

also - when re-installing your action and torquing - there's a general rule of thumb of how to do it. something along the lines of

"get them barely snug, then bounce the rifle on the buttstock to get the action/recoil lug set. snug up the front action screw, then back. then alternate back and forth until you reach the required torque."

i'm doing that from memory.

but i HAVE half-assed thrown my barreled action in a stock and not torqued it properly and saw the consequences down range.
Next time I shoot I'll see how the velocities look, since the barrel should be fouled enough now.

I basically did the procedure you described when putting my action back in, but I may back the screws out a touch and re-check their torque.

I also didn't shoot any groups on paper last time with the magneto speed off, so I'll do that as well to see how it reacts vs grouping with it on.
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