

HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    2021 Rules for Conduct

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    4.Open discourse means not everyone will agree or get along. Use the ignore feature before you publicly engage in personal attacks with other members. Sniper‘s Hide is a community, one full of people with strong wills and deeply held opinions. If you disagree, debate, but respect the other members as member this site. If you can’t get along we will remove one or both parties.

    5. Use the report button if you observe a violation of these rules. Do not over report, one is enough, and if we reject the report do not follow up with your version of the facts to vent. We are not emotionally invested we look at the context of the entire conversation as we ll as the direction the thread is headed. This is a big boy site, we swear, cussing is legal here, we look at naked pictures we just limit the pink. Many of use served or still serve and do not consider ourselves snowflakes. You came to Sniper‘s Hide willingly, you have to expect a certain amount of locker room tall, this is our squad bay after all.

    It just started loading again, back working

    I have a feeling this is gonna boil at some point, they are just too blatant about shutting people down, that can't go over well in the long run. I would have thought if they did this it would be more like boiling a frog slowly vs just tossing everything in.

    If the lockdowns continue and people are being forced to do shit, and they are shutting down dissenting voices from these platforms, ouch... idle hands.
    The current atmosphere in the country concerns me.

    Censorship started in earnest with Yahoo stopping comments.

    BLM/Anqueefa have been rioting, looting, and destroying millions upon millions in private property for 9 months. They have attacked people for their skin color, political, and religious beliefs. The attacked them with hands, fists, and "milkshakes" made of concrete.

    They got a free pass. They had a funeral for a "Martyr" which was attended by thousands, but normal folks of a different political affiliation were limited to fucking zoom funerals.

    BLM/Anqueefa riots don't spread COVID, but apparently church, weddings, funerals, holding a loved ones hand as they die, and peaceful assemblies to protest lock downs are super spreader events.

    Protesters in DC have done considerably less damage, to property they own as tax payers by the way, and have directed it at the people who have offended them. Now they are being doxxed, losing jobs, and being actively hunted by the long arm of the "law".

    We will not recover from this. 4 years of being persecuted and made out to be a villain because you supported someone who wanted America first, and now everybody is shocked and wants to be friends?
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    The next admin is going to waste no time going full force against anyone that still has a Trump flag, nationalists, constitutionalists, etc. marching through the Capitol building was all the excuse they needed. It was better than any drummed up mass shooting they parade around.

    and the sad part is that 80% of the country is going to be on board. Even a lot of trump voters were fine with rolling over And said how despicable it was to go wonder around in the Capitol buildingfor a couple of hours. I’ve talked to a lot of people since the 6th and 90% are not on the side of watering the tree of liberty
    They have been foaming at the mouth to persecute trump supporters, and just normal people who love America, a nuclear family, religion, etc.

    They have said it numerous times over the years. Look at how hard the media worked to shape trump supporter's image over the years. Trump supporter is immediately associated with white supremacy, bigotry, and far right terrorists who want a revolution. Look at how fast the media subverted the term "Boogaloo" to only apply to one side.

    Enough of me waxing eloquent this evening. all I can say is take care of each other. Political persecution and round ups is happening right before our very eyes, and it's actually supported by a large number of mouth breathers. Gulag.

    Damn, to much reality and doom and gloom this evening. Might call up a call girl to take the stress off, or go build a bookshelf. Not sure which yet.
    If you're a conservative, constitutionalist, or nationalist (nothing wrong with that), then you should absolutely be done with FB and Twitter. Not just on principle or as a protest, but for your damn safety and job security as well.
    I’ve been meaning to log back on and delete every post on my account. Might do that tonight
    Exactly what is Parler anyway? I saw something about it in another thread. Facebook 2?
    Parler's platform is similar to Twitter. It is a very conservative platform. Less restrictions, more free speech. Dems are trying to shut it down.

    You know the drill...control education > media > free speech > ....
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    I dropped my FB account after being banned for calling some idiot a faggot. Never saw any use for Twittwr or any of that other crap. If Fuckerberg wants to know where I go or what I buy. he can do his own legwork.
    AS FAR AS THAt TV /microphone device that you put in your house and that connects with the Internet.... What can possibly go wrong with that?
    It just started loading again, back working

    I have a feeling this is gonna boil at some point, they are just too blatant about shutting people down, that can't go over well in the long run. I would have thought if they did this it would be more like boiling a frog slowly vs just tossing everything in.

    If the lockdowns continue and people are being forced to do shit, and they are shutting down dissenting voices from these platforms, ouch... idle hands.
    Buhbuhbuh muh private businesses can do what they want. How have these businesses not been deemed a monopoly? They do not actively compete with each other, their existence is a synergistic monopoly.

    I hate regulation but something needs done.
    Buhbuhbuh muh private businesses can do what they want. How have these businesses not been deemed a monopoly? They do not actively compete with each other, their existence is a synergistic monopoly.

    I hate regulation but something needs done.

    It is also the entire Section 230 issue. They have clearly proven they do not deserve that protection.
    What, no "OutHouse"?

    PortaJohn...you gotta be shittin' me!

    View attachment 7523366
    dude....that picture gave me flashbacks to when i was working security at a 2 day country music festival......

    at the end of it, went into the shitter, and it was filled....FILLED....and somehow all the walls were covered in a combination of vomit and blood.....

    like, i can only speculate death would have been a more pleasant option than whatever happened to the poor soul that caused the conditions in that stall.
    • Wow
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    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”; Orwell, 1984

    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”; Orwell, 1984


    Wait till they decide to take down the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier or the Stones of the Men and Women who died to keep us safe, I mean who wouldn't wouldn't stand guard of these sacred grounds......
    “He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

    ― George Orwell, 1984
    From a news article: The FBI is requesting the public's help in identifying other Trump supporters who unlawfully invaded the Capitol for about four hours, with investigators poring over surveillance footage and social media posts. But the vast majority of the hundreds of people who stormed the building were allowed to leave without getting arrested, making the task of tracking them down exceedingly difficult.

    From Same article: Also charged Friday in connection with the rioting at the Capitol was a state lawmaker from West Virginia, Republican Del. Derrick Evans, who had recordedand then deleted a video of himself joining the throng. A petition has been started for him to step down.

    From me: I guess it's different from when mayors marched with BLM/Anqueefa.

    From another article:
    According to Ghosh, the machine learning algorithms that serve up the content users see on social media platforms to bring in advertising dollars have gone out of control, and need to be reined in.

    “To get it back under control, we need to put not the commercial interests of companies like Facebook as the objective for these algorithms, but rather the public interest, what we want to see, what is socially acceptable political speech and content on thinks kinds of platforms,” he said.