Posting Pics


Full Member
Jan 23, 2010
Morley IA
Since the move, I've been posting pics from my iPad. Easier than the old Photobucket cut and paste routine. As of last night, the "new" way has stopped working. Anyone else having problems?
When I use the camera icon, the picture looks like a small icon but I see that some people post full size pictures. Is there an alternative way of posting without using the camera icon???

Thanks in advance
Use the "attachment" icon to the upper right. Click, it will ask to upload an attachment from your photo library or take a photo. Let the attachment load, then it will ask what size you want: small, medium, what size and you're golden. Be patient (I'm not). It does take a few seconds for things to happen. This is how I do it on my iPad.
​This is only a test. From my 'puter photo file. Note: it was there and now it's gone.....
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Trying to post a video but after loading a message sats” the uploaded file does not have an allowed extension”. Any ideas how to remedy this??