Just curious now, and I know I’m being completely unconvinced…how are you measuring how much “crush” you are putting on a primer? I get using calipers to measure both the primer and pocket, but how are you measuring the primer once it’s in? Or are you just doing whatever the $600 primal seater is telling you that you are doing?
I found a 100x Win LRP I’ll give those a whirl and see if there’s any difference
Primer "crush" isn't a direct measurement, it is a combination of tolerances and inspections.
As far as how to achieve good primer seating depth, it is done by two major steps.
The First.... is the math on your particular primer pocket depths and primers to determine the best seating depth.
The Second... is the inspection of the depth below the case head.
Neither of those steps has anything to do with a Primal Rights Seater.
Although that one works just fine, there are many primer seaters and it really doesn't matter which one you use as long as you use it to get intentional results by inspection of the installed depth.
If you have a typical caliper, you can just use the tailstock with a little dexterity and practice.
If you want to invest in your personal skills and toolset, I would recommend this one for it's simplicity and reliability.
BTW, none of us can be sure from a forum post with respect to the cause of your hangfire observations.
Right now, the thing to do is to collect advice and form a plan for your next range tests and see if any of the advice helps.
You don't really have much risk/cost to investigate primer seating depth, or additional primer types.
If it were me, I would show up with a full slate of tests and then decide if I was going to add new tools/equipment etc.. YMMV
Good Luck and in for the range reports.