A fellow Hider & I went out this weekend to shoot the world’s finest pop-up targets. For shooting on public land the shooting was pretty good.. and those 60 grain V-max’s man do they send parts flying.
About half way through the day I look over & my buddy was on the phone, I am still trying to figure out if he was telling his wife that he was going to be late because the prairie dog action was fast and furious, or if he was trying to get Papa Johns to deliver a pizza out in the middle of know where.
You have to ask yourself, do you like your prairie dogs with or without a head… me personally, I prefer without… but that’s just me.
About half way through the day I look over & my buddy was on the phone, I am still trying to figure out if he was telling his wife that he was going to be late because the prairie dog action was fast and furious, or if he was trying to get Papa Johns to deliver a pizza out in the middle of know where.
You have to ask yourself, do you like your prairie dogs with or without a head… me personally, I prefer without… but that’s just me.