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Pre-Surgery Routine

Oddball Six

Commander of Meh
Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
40°25′N, 104°43′W
So the good news. Dropped 40 lbs since october.

The bad news, excersize and getting my eating right has been aided by my gall bladder being broke.

Probably going to have surgery in two weeks or so now that all the tests are done and in. Has anyone heard of anything effective to change in excersize or diet ahead of time to improve recovery, etc?

I realize when i go for the surgical consult they will give me the must-follow but that's a week away. Anything you guys have seen I can start working through now to 'do my part' in prep?
Re: Pre-Surgery Routine

Since you'll have an abdominal incision, I would recommend doing ab and oblique workouts. You'll also be relatively inactive for a while so hit the cardio. Anything you can do before the surgery will help the recovery and make your return to "normal" faster. I've had 2 friends have their gallbladders out in the past year and they did fine. Post surgery ******once cleared by the Dr. to do so****** jump on the cardio ASAP. The abs will definitely need to wait until cleared to do so, but start that up when the Dr. says, it'll be slow going at first. I'm not sure what you are currently doing fitness wise, but keep it up and add more abs and cardio workouts.
Re: Pre-Surgery Routine

Heavy on the cardio, heavy on the core. If it's a lap-chole [fancy-video camera assisted small incisions and a few tools], recovery is usually pretty benign. The real truth is that you can't eat fatty foods after this. Your gallbladder is forming stones for a reason. Keep with the weight loss after, and you'll be good. If they're going for the open route [which is less and less common, though you should certainly ask you surgeon which method and why], then you'll be down for a little while while the incision heals.
Re: Pre-Surgery Routine

What Doc said. Probably a lapchole as most have gotten away from the big abdominal incision. The biggest complaint with the laparoscopic procedure is shoulder pain from being inflated with CO2 gas. The incisions will be 1-2cm so will heal quickly if you are a non smoker and in average condition. The healthier you are the faster you will heal.
Re: Pre-Surgery Routine

As long as you don't have a bile leak after surgery, you should be good. Been called into work for several of those over the past couple of years, but they were all b/c of one not-so-good surgeon.
Re: Pre-Surgery Routine

Had one taken out after it broke so can't help there. I was back at the gym in a couple weeks. No sweat. Surgery is a piece of cake. A ruptured gall bladder is a BITCH!

Mike G