Quick question on pressure…I’m sure it’s a math problem and my gut tells me the answer is yes, but wanted to ask the masses…
Given identical charge weight, seating depth, bullet, neck tension, etc..all variables the same except virgin vs fire formed brass.
If an initial load was a tad hot for my liking, bolt swipes but no dimpled primers, with virgin brass, will the slight increase in case volume with fire formed brass shoulders bumped back 1 thou or just brought to chamber, will pressure at same charge weight be less?
I’d like to just shoot this load and be done with it, as speed, ES/SD all looked great and it was what I needed for accuracy out to distance. I’d be ok with it if pressure will drop on the 2nd loading, but don’t want to push the rifle this hard if it’s a negligible decrease.
Given identical charge weight, seating depth, bullet, neck tension, etc..all variables the same except virgin vs fire formed brass.
If an initial load was a tad hot for my liking, bolt swipes but no dimpled primers, with virgin brass, will the slight increase in case volume with fire formed brass shoulders bumped back 1 thou or just brought to chamber, will pressure at same charge weight be less?
I’d like to just shoot this load and be done with it, as speed, ES/SD all looked great and it was what I needed for accuracy out to distance. I’d be ok with it if pressure will drop on the 2nd loading, but don’t want to push the rifle this hard if it’s a negligible decrease.