I have been deer hunting a few times over the years but never really got into it or shot a deer. This year was different, I decided its time to go all out so I set up feeders, cameras, stands and started preparing. Everything has been going good, plenty of doe coming in with a few pics of some ok bucks but nothing to go crazy over. I sat in the stands a few times and watched the deer with bow in hand but never had a shot. Well this goes on from early October till mid November and then all hell breaks loose, rut begins. I am getting pics of large bucks coming in at dawn and dusk so I am pretty excited. I have my eye on a very nice 10 and a equally nice 8 both easily in the 130+ range with the 10 pushing 140. Ironically I am in my stand on the morning of Nov. 17th, which is opening day for rifle here, with my bow and rifle just waiting. I look over to see the 8 coming my way and I know it's on. He is after a doe behind me and sure enough he presents a perfect broad side shot at 15 yards which I easily take with my bow. I watch him go over the hill and lay down and I knew I just had to wait now. Well as luck would have it, my deer feeder goes off a few minutes later which spooks the buck and off he goes, over the fence and into the thick stuff. I watched him walk to the fence about 70 yards from me, obviously very injured, and that was the last I seen of him. I tracked the blood trail for at least 150 yards when it finally dried up and after 2 days and about 7 hours of searching with multiple people I had to call off the search. I am not only mad because I lost my first deer, and a nice one at that, but also because such a great animal has basically gone to waste.