Ok I guess I need to explain my self on this one, My wife was paralyzed from the waist down 2 years ago by a doctor, I know there are better rifles out there and that I could have bought a action. I paid 8 dollars for the gun 5 years ago at a garage sale, she use to love to shoot it due to the sights. Since the accident she has not really wanted to go out and hunt or shoot and the rifle in its stock form was to hard on her to shoot due to the metal but plate. So I let her shoot my 308 remington 700 and she loved the recoil and that is when she said she wanted to bubba the rifle to a 308. She doesn't ask for much any more and its not like I can't put it back together I have all the stock parts so I did the deed and the smile she got was worth all the deprecation of the rifle.