Primal Rights CPS


Oct 6, 2020
As I'm buying my reloading equipment and getting things set up I'm trying to buy the best quality equipment I can afford in the hopes that is will be a buy once, cry once thing in most if not all cases. With that being said, I know there are a lot of great priming tools out there but was wondering what y'all thought of the CPS and if you think there is a better option out there? Please leave the cost out of the equation, I'm trying to figure out if this is the best and best quality produce for priming operations. Thanks in advance for your input.
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If you want the best, then yes the CPS is it. Primer seating depth seems to be a thing and the CPS will seat to a set depth consistently.
i wwould not be wiyh out it . But youneed to check out primmer tubesand double alpha primmer shuttle aslso ned for smooth opateron . Greg is avery stand up guy if any questions at all he will be glad to answer at length ..
How does optimize the depth?
I am currently using the CPS and I have a 3 thou target. A +/- 2 thou would be terrible!
I generally measure 10 primer pocket depths, take avg and deepest. Measure 10 primer thicknesses, take average and shallowest. Compare the two, usually seating primers 003 past touch(3k crush) will cover all averages to ensure i have the primer anvil seated to touch the bottom of primer pocket at all times.
Damn that’s deep!
I have played around with my brass (Alpha 6 Gay Tiger) and the variance is about 1thou and the variance on my primers (CCI 450) is 1/2thou.
I am currently running 1thou Crush.
I forgot who’s pro shooter vid it was by basically he was sharing that the more crush you have the more it impacted his performance.
Damn that’s deep!
I have played around with my brass (Alpha 6 Gay Tiger) and the variance is about 1thou and the variance on my primers (CCI 450) is 1/2thou.
I am currently running 1thou Crush.
I forgot who’s pro shooter vid it was by basically he was sharing that the more crush you have the more it impacted his performance.
I haven't saw it affect anything. I want half moa at 800y, that's it. I'm not Eroc Cirtona trying to shoot 2" at 1k.
I bought a CPS about 6 months ago and I'm happy with it. Makes seating primers a lot easier and it works well. I was previously using an RCBS APS hand primer and was getting crushed primers every now and then with Lapua brass. This hasn't happened once with the CPS.
Damn that’s deep!
I have played around with my brass (Alpha 6 Gay Tiger) and the variance is about 1thou and the variance on my primers (CCI 450) is 1/2thou.
I am currently running 1thou Crush.
I forgot who’s pro shooter vid it was by basically he was sharing that the more crush you have the more it impacted his performance.

I spoke with the primer manufactures back at the 2020 shot show, they all said they recommend a .002" crush on primers to ensure a good ignition. For most brass that is a .004 to .005 below case head seating. I run the CPS and Primeware. My Alpha OCD 6GT brass is .122 pocket, Federal 205m primers are .120 so a .002 crush is .004 below case head. You can adjust crush / test where you get the best ignition. I have not done that yet, but will soon. I just run the .002 crush right now. Lots of posts in other threads about this, very interesting stuff.

To the OP. The CPS is a solid piece of kit, you will be very happy with it. I really like mine, makes quick work of seating primers, and it is very consistent.
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I spoke with the primer manufactures back at the 2020 shot show, they all said they recommend a .002" crush on primers to ensure a good ignition. For most brass that is a .004 to .005 below case head seating. I run the CPS and Primeware. My Alpha OCD 6GT brass is .122 pocket, Federal 205m primers are .120 so a .002 crush is .004 below case head. You can adjust crush / test where you get the best ignition. I have not done that yet, but will soon. I just run the .002 crush right now. Lots of posts in other threads about this, very interesting stuff.

To the OP. The CPS is a solid piece of kit, you will be very happy with it. I really like mine, makes quick work of seating primers, and it is very consistent.
Thank you for this! That’s exactly where I am at currently 3thou below, I’ll go with 4thou now :)
I spoke with the primer manufactures back at the 2020 shot show, they all said they recommend a .002" crush on primers to ensure a good ignition. For most brass that is a .004 to .005 below case head seating. I run the CPS and Primeware. My Alpha OCD 6GT brass is .122 pocket, Federal 205m primers are .120 so a .002 crush is .004 below case head. You can adjust crush / test where you get the best ignition. I have not done that yet, but will soon. I just run the .002 crush right now. Lots of posts in other threads about this, very interesting stuff.

To the OP. The CPS is a solid piece of kit, you will be very happy with it. I really like mine, makes quick work of seating primers, and it is very consistent.
Didn't the witch doctor videos say .009 below for a .122 pocket?
Yeah I have both the primer/pocket depth gauge and the seat depth comparator gauge

They have a really expensive but cool designed concentricity gauge I’d love to have BUT 470$
I sold my 21st century concentricity gauge once I got the accuracy 1st. The accuracy first is 10 times better. It’s not even close. The various parts fit in tracks with perfect tolerances and are magnetic. The big wheel is spun with a handle off to the side so downward pressure doesn’t muddy the waters with regards to run out. It also spins on an angle which keeps the case in position. One of the best parts is the gauge tension is raised and lowered by a twist of a screw. The bottom line is it actually freaking works and I have confidence in the results.
All time favorite comparator… Short Action Custom!
I also have the short action customs comparator and I completely agree with you!!! We aren’t talking about the same type of comparator. Accuracy 1st is a tool that compares the seating depth from the aspect of the shoulder. So picture this. When the firing pin hits the primer it drives the case forward in the chamber until it rests on the shoulders and the case expands and seals etc. This allows you to group your ammo based on the seating depth from the shoulder forward. Probably makes zero sense but that’s how I understand it and it’s quick and you can do it while resting in the loading blocks.
I sold my 21st century concentricity gauge once I got the accuracy 1st. The accuracy first is 10 times better. It’s not even close. The various parts fit in tracks with perfect tolerances and are magnetic. The big wheel is spun with a handle off to the side so downward pressure doesn’t muddy the waters with regards to run out. It also spins on an angle which keeps the case in position. One of the best parts is the gauge tension is raised and lowered by a twist of a screw. The bottom line is it actually freaking works and I have confidence in the results.
Yeah your making me want to buy one. The Sinclair manual hand spun one I got is what the guy from SAC uses in his video. I hate it! The problem is they don’t have any of the accuracy concentricity machines in stock any time soon :(