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Hunting & Fishing Prime 130 grain ammo for hunting...


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  • Feb 20, 2017
    Corpus Christi TX
    Has anyone done this or have any experiences? I know many are gonna come in here and say I shouldn't use match ammo for hunting but guess what, if it's got a good track record of terminal performance, then why not consider it? Anyhow, I already use 140 grain HPBT and ELD-M both from hornady with great results on deer. I'm very very low on ammo and need to restock. I'm thinking about trying Prime but want to know if anybody has had experiences with them on game. Specifically, I prefer not to blow up one half of the deer off and have guts spilling out all over. I've personally seen ELD-X do that. It's funny though, because it's marketed as a hunting bullet. As a hunting bullet, I would expect it to stay together for the most part and not be rather explosive.

    Anyone have anything to share?

    I also plan to order 140 ELDM loaded by spark munitions just to give that load a try and see how it shoots.
    I noticed their website mentioned something about being a great bullet for pigs, deer, antelope, etc. So I know it's being advertised that way, just didn't know if anybody actually had experience with them on game.

    Anyhow, I ordered 200 rounds of spark loaded 140 ELDM since I already know they're tried and tested. Going to see how that load performs out of my rifle.
    I noticed their website mentioned something about being a great bullet for pigs, deer, antelope, etc. So I know it's being advertised that way, just didn't know if anybody actually had experience with them on game.

    Anyhow, I ordered 200 rounds of spark loaded 140 ELDM since I already know they're tried and tested. Going to see how that load performs out of my rifle.
    Spark is very good stuff...you will like it!
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    I bought a case of the prime 130's and it shoots .25 moa out of my tikka 6.5. The few things I read about it is its not a good hunting bullet but I don't have anything substansial to report. I will be shooting steel with mine and at $26 a box its dam good for the money.

    Where are you getting prime at 26 a box?

    I wanted to try just a box of 20 but at 30 bucks a pop and about 12 more for shipping, i decided not to. Eventually i would like to buy at least 200 rounds and shoot them out to distance.


    Do you anything about this particular new load on game? I know its advertised as being good on game but anything else you might want to add?
    i tried some Sierra Gamechanger 130s in my 6.5 CM , They proved quite accurate.
    My granddaughter shot this fawn antelope and I wasnt impressed.

    This is the exit wound. I'm not posting the picture but you can see it by checking the link, Its gruesome to say the least

    http://photos.imageevent.com/kraigwy/alaska2019/websize/exit wound.JPG

    That is exactly the type of results that i am not looking for. Yeah the animal is very dead and probably didnt travel much after being shot but i prefer a rather cleaner kill to maybe preserve more meat...
    Two of my sons and I have killed 3 deer with the old 6.5 Prime with the golden target bullet. All 3 were 200-250 yards, good expansion, complete penetration, and down within 20 yards.
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    I’ve hunted with the 130gr Norma ammo which I didn’t find out until later was stolen from Jim at Prim. I’m sorry and I didn’t know until it was too late.

    It has done its job for me and I have taken 2 deer with neck shots and one with a head shot. I’d say shot placement is key as with all hunting.

    I would say in the south it’s probably not the best hunting ammo because blood trails are paramount when you don’t know where a deer runs after your shoot it.