Primer pickup tube question


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Apr 11, 2020
So... my RCBS bench primer uses an aluminum primer picup tube. Just like the one on Dillon progressives. Anyways you pick up the primers with the little plastic "nipple" or whatever on the tube. The problem I'm having is you pickup a primer, then another and another. However the last primer always stays stuck in the nipple. Usually I just press it down into the tube with a blunt object.
After seeing recent pics of one of the tube blown up I'm wondering... could I set that primer off pressing it past the nipple into the tube?
You could set it off by striking it hard, or by a static spark. Neither is likely, with static maybe being more of a risk if the conditions are wrong. I push mine in with the plastic indicator rod that rides on top of the primers when they are loaded into the feeder (on a Dillon 550)
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You could set it off by striking it hard, or by a static spark. Neither is likely, with static maybe being more of a risk if the conditions are wrong. I push mine in with the plastic indicator rod that rides on top of the primers when they are loaded into the feeder (on a Dillon 550)
I always ground myself when reloading, but I do the exact same thing with the tubes on my 550.
You use way more force when seating a primer than is ever needed for this or filling the primer magazine on the press.
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When you transfer those primers, ground yourself, transfer the primers, but then gently insert the follower as a check to make sure that pick-up tube has cleared. This takes care of the last one that wants to hang in that plastic tip as well as any other issues that you cannot see. You can also ground yourself, then use the follower to coax that straggler down before you transfer, but I still recommend using the follower to insure the pick-up tube is clear.
Hear me now, believe me later.

Fill Vibra-prime's tube, place the Vibra-prime's tube over the Dillon's primer magazine tube, pull the pin, voila, continue making ammo.
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Hear me now, believe me later.

Fill Vibra-prime's tube, place the Vibra-prime's tube over the Dillon's primer magazine tube, pull the pin, voila, continue making ammo.
I don’t even bother transferring tubes anymore. I just stick the vibrafill tube in the cps and it’s off to the races. It’s quick enough for me to just fill that same tube again when it’s empty without having to mess with the rubber connector etc for multiple tubes.

If I had to still pinch up the primers in one by one I would go back to my old lee hand primer cuz that friggin sux.
I don’t even bother transferring tubes anymore. I just stick the vibrafill tube in the cps and it’s off to the races. It’s quick enough for me to just fill that same tube again when it’s empty without having to mess with the rubber connector etc for multiple tubes.

If I had to still pinch up the primers in one by one I would go back to my old lee hand primer cuz that friggin sux.

Yeah, think I bought 2 packs of extra primer pick-up tubes when I got my Dillon (so I could pump out a bunch of rounds in a session)... have never opened them, they're at the bottom of a box lol. Vibra-prime takes like 3mins if I go slow, and gives me a quick break before I crank out another 100rds.
I don’t even bother transferring tubes anymore. I just stick the vibrafill tube in the cps and it’s off to the races. It’s quick enough for me to just fill that same tube again when it’s empty without having to mess with the rubber connector etc for multiple tubes.

If I had to still pinch up the primers in one by one I would go back to my old lee hand primer cuz that friggin sux.
Just ordered the FA tool. Thanks brother!
Skip individually pressing them in and get a tube filler like the vibra prime.
It’ll pay for itself in the first tray full.
The primafill is the cadillac version.
I bought the primafill and it is pretty cool but not really a necessity. I have tubes hanging on the wall mount thing ready to go (make sure you label the tubes with what is in them). I only bought it b/c It was cool. Most people are not gonna spend money on it
Frankford arsenal works good. I've pulled the pick up end off Dillon tubes and drilled a 1/16 hole in then for a hairpin. I can preload 8-10 Dillon tubes and got enough primers for an hr