Primer sealing


Full Member
Jan 5, 2010
Anyone use George & Roy's primer sealant? Does it work? Cause any problems? Can you seal a primer after it's already seated? I know the intructions say to apply it just prior to seating the primer. It say "right before." Does it want you to apply the sealer 5 seconds before the primer is seated or can you coat 50 then seat the primers? Sorry for all the questions in one post but couldn't find anything on this forum about this topic.
Re: Primer sealing

Why do you want to seal primers? Primers do a damn good job of sealing when they are seated in the first place.

But if you want that extra insurance.....after you are done loading your rounds, take the wifes clear nail polish topcoat and apply some around the primer. Its cheaper than George & Roy's primer sealant I bet!
Re: Primer sealing

Nail polish has formaldehyde in it, That will kill a primer. I use Loctite 296 it is the green stuff. it is made to seal after the fact. I have used it for many years. I even use it to seal the bullet/mouth. I have some of the MilSpec sealant too. It is the purple laquer it is much better but hard to get. Mike