Primers In Stock!


Lost Squirrel
Full Member
  • Aug 7, 2011
    PNW WA
    Every time i am at Brunos shooting supply they have primers. Last time i was there like a week ago had srp military hard ones, but $90 a box. Time before had lrp cci and winchester match, time before that had winchester spp for $40.
    They even had a shit load of power last week. $300 per 8# keg of popular stuff but available even a pallet of 9mm 124 rn projectiles.
    Every time i am at Brunos shooting supply they have primers. Last time i was there like a week ago had srp military hard ones, but $90 a box. Time before had lrp cci and winchester match, time before that had winchester spp for $40.
    They even had a shit load of power last week. $300 per 8# keg of popular stuff but available even a pallet of 9mm 124 rn projectiles.

    That's Awesome.

    Not Sorry.
    I couldnt sleep last night, so I get on here and see this. Was like, fuck yeah I'm gonna get some primers.....🤬🤬🤬🤬

    Cursed like I had stepped on a lego in the dark....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


    I already sed sorry. Imma do ya a large. I'll post up a thousand FGMM Primers, your choice, LRP or LRMP and you can scoop'm up. And no, I'm not gonna go all crazy n stuff regarding asking price. Imma only ask $355.00 U.S. You pay shipping and Handling (Hazmat).

    You're welcome.