Night Vision Prism or LPVO with PVS14?


Dec 2, 2023
My goal is to pair my PVS14 (twist mount @ 1/3, etc.) with a ~3x optic. I have a Leopold LPVO (1-8) and a Vortex Spitfire 3x. I need some magnification.
The use-case is home-defense + sporting + hunting and I want to transfer this setup between my Scorpion K (defense/sporting) and my DD 300blk (deer.) Calibers and platforms aside - who had thoughts on the best magnified optic for use with a PVS14 or Clip-On? Light transmission, eye relief, maintain zero, etc. Thank you!

As an aside - I have also forward mounted my pvs14 with no apparent shift in zero, which solves several issues for me but ultimately I may get an NV or Thermal clip-on.

The specific question then, is what magnified optic combo with PVS14 or NV Clip-On is ideal? Thanks!