Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod


Full Member
Oct 20, 2006
Austin, TX
I first began the process of upgrading my 50BMG stick a few years ago at the SHOT show when I met Diann at the MHSA booth (at the time I had an M95). At the show they had a prototype APA bipod on the AW-50 they had out on the table. It's basically the same bipod that APA makes for the Armalite AR-50, but with a spigot attachment. Anyway I ordered one of these bipods with my AW50, but Diann lost faith that it would ever materialize and she refunded that portion of my order. I ended up just using the Parker-Hale type bipod, and so began my quest for improvement.

For some time, I settled on a bipod arrangement that I'd fashioned out of a Vltor mod-pod and Kasey's (Accu-Shot) railed spigot adapter, which I have previously discussed on this board. But about six months ago I knew a change was in the works...

LRA has actually been around for a while, but they've been few and far between (scarce as Hen's Teeth, you might say). I even recall having seen a You-Tube video about it, but at the time I concluded it was specially made for a Chay-Tac rifle that I didn't have. I'd never seen one in person until I dropped off my AW50 for a re-barrel. Mark Pharr (Tumbleweed Customs, who did my re-barrel) had an LRA bipod out on his table, and when I picked it up I thought: "This is the bipod I've been searching for". Mark gave me Dave Kohnow's card (Dave is the owner of LRA), then a few weeks later there was an article about the bipod in Very High Power magazine (the FCSA magazine). So I called Dave. He also had a hand-stop rail adapter for the AI rifle chassis, so I made the order.

As with everything in the super-custom high-end firearms market, it took longer than Dave had expected to produce the next run of bipods (but really, not longer than I had expected)... about three months passed between order and receipt of the goods. But wow, was this thing ever worth the wait!

Affixed to my AW50 this bipod makes for a ROCK-SOLID platform. The cant is adjustable, and lockable. The legs are massive and are extendible and can lock into multiple positions. Look at the bipod compared to the OEM AI bipod:

It should be readily apparent that the LRA bipod has a much wider stance than the AI bipod, but it achieves this wider stance without adding unnecessary height. Out of the box it is basically the perfect height to use with the built-in AI monopod. I should have taken a straight-on photo with the legs deployed to illustrate this, but alas, these are the photos I took:

My only issue right now is that I'm a big fan of quick-detach systems and the LRA bipod requires using an Allen wrench to install and remove, but I think it is mainly intended for bench-rest use. I may get some kind of quick-detach rail riser to use with the bipod.

I'll be taking this rig out shooting on Thursday, and will post about the experience afterwards.
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

Aren't these the same bipods XLR show's off on their chassis systems? They look like they'd be extremely stable. Just for curiosity's sake, how much does it weigh?
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kewes</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Aren't these the same bipods XLR show's off on their chassis systems? They look like they'd be extremely stable. Just for curiosity's sake, how much does it weigh?</div></div>

I just looked up XLR -- yes, it is. Maybe that's what was on the video I saw long ago...

The AI bipod weighs 1lb 5oz (steel). The LRA weighs 1lb 15oz (all aluminum, I think, except the screws).
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

Wow. I'm impressed with the weight. Looks much heavier. I'm anxious to hear how it performs. And how you resolve the QD issue.
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

That's either a microphone or a potato masher grenade attached to the end of your scope..have you noticed?

Good review. I've had one on order for... shit, I've forgotten how long.
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dr Scholl</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That's either a microphone or a potato masher grenade attached to the end of your scope..have you noticed?

Good review. I've had one on order for... shit, I've forgotten how long.</div></div>

LOL, thanks mate! You should give Dave a call, although it's probably quite a time difference between you an Pennsylvania.

I have taken it shooting since I wrote the review and it is head and shoulders better than any other bipod I've used on my AW-50. The locking cant adjustment is just awesome, and it makes for such a stable platform!

I'll warn that the rubber feet are a wear item, but fortunately replacements can be had for not much money. You should ask Dave to toss in a spare bag of feet since you're all the way in Australia, and it might be harder for you to get replacements.
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Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

Will do. I'm looking forward to getting my greasy mitts on it one of these days.

That's a bloody nice rifle, by the way.
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

Thanks for the review.

Dave is a local guy to me though I never would have known it had I not bumped into him at SHOT while looking at the MRAD in Barrett's booth.

Turns out he is only an hour away and was in the process of joining the same rifle club as me.

Long story short, we got together at the range and he gave me an opportunity to run one of his demo's in a match for a weekend. I was hooked and thankfully won one of the bipod's from the prize table.

I currently have the SC-2, which is apparently a discontinued model (I've been referring to it as the "original F class") and it is enormously stable.

It is also too big for the rifle I'd been running it on.

I just got a "Light Tactical" model from him this weekend. I'll get some pics up to show people, the thing ROCKS. Very stable and more compact and light.

It is not a QD model, though he told me on Saturday that a QD model is in the works and parts are being cut as I type this for the QD base plate.

I've owned a lot of different bipods, this thing is the nicest bipod I've ever shot from.
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Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

As I understand it, the SC-2 is still available. At least, I've spoken with Dave a couple times in the last few weeks, and I ordered one based on those conversations (LOL). A review of your Light Tactical version would be enormously appreciated!
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

I also won one of Dave's bipods recently. I can't wait to try it out, Dave is an awesome guy to deal with and passionate about his product and shooting.
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

I'm swamped with work lately but I'll try to get some photos up to show you guys.

The light tactical is still extremely stable, I sent about 75rd on it Saturday during a day/night shoot and it performed as I've come to expect from Dave's stuff.
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

Not sure, I won a cert. for a free bipod of my choice at a match so I didn't directly pay for this one.

He's told me that he's shooting to be in the price range of the QD Atlas, but I don't know any more detail than that.

Here's a couple pics. Sorry for the crummy cell photos, I snapped them quickly before I headed in to work this morning.

The rifle is stocked with a Manners T4 and a 22" MTU contour barrel.



Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod


These bipods are indeed very impressive and quite at home on the larger rifles and tactical rifles as well. We have started carrying them so hopefully it eases the pressure on David so he can continue to make bipods instead of talking on the phone so much

Dorgen, That bipod would look even better on a Sig 220!


Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LFOD1776</div><div class="ubbcode-body">


Jealous, jealous, jealous.
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

I'm looking to get one or two of these. I have the following rifles
1. Sig ssg3000 in 6,5x55
2. Rem700 in 338 lm and ashbury chassis
I'm also considdering a 50 bmg.

Is the light tactical best suited for my rifles or do I need the f-class ?

Is the heavy tactical to big for smaller rifles ? Is it much bigger than the f-class?
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Vepr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm looking to get one or two of these. I have the following rifles
1. Sig ssg3000 in 6,5x55
2. Rem700 in 338 lm and ashbury chassis
I'm also considdering a 50 bmg.

Is the light tactical best suited for my rifles or do I need the f-class ?

Is the heavy tactical to big for smaller rifles ? Is it much bigger than the f-class?</div></div>

To dust off this thread, I am also wondering about the Heavy Tactical variant, and if the HT or the LT would be best for .338LM? My planned stick is a TRG-42 in an Ashbury Chassis.....
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

I just won a LRA bipod certificate at the 2012 Mayberry Match series!!! Thanks to Dave Kohnow at LRA!

Don't know the answer to your question Starbuck however. Several of the guys I know around here run the LRAs and love them.
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

I use the LT version, though I have the HT yoke as well. The HT would be better on rifles over 20#, like the HTI or most 50's, otherwise the LT works fine.
Re: Product Review: Long Range Accuracy Bipod

I just got my LRA bipod (tactical model, with long legs and a QD mount) and will say this: IT IS AWESOME. WOW, What a fine piece of equipment.

The difference between this bipod and anything else I have used or seen is massive. Everything is perfectly engineered to fit together for strength, speed and light weight. Initially I was worried I would be adding a ton of weight with this thing, but it is about the same weight as the Harris it replaced. Hell, even the QD mount is engineered with all sorts of little improvements. Absolutely beautiful.

One of the big advantages of the LRA bipod is that it moves the bipods pivot point upwards, reducing the amount of torque from recoil. This greatly improves the ability of the scope to stay on target thru the firing process, making it easier to spot impacts/splashes and reduces shooter fatigue. Just look at how the pivot on the Harris and Atlas are right under the barrel, just inviting a large pivot induced by recoil. Then look at how the legs of the LRA bipod "straddle" the barrel instead of that pivot point.

I have had a chance to speak with the owner/operator several times at matches and over the phone. He is a helluva good guy to deal with and he is out there supporting the sport, and more importantly, our fighting troops (at this Fall's Alleghany Sniper Challenge I had a chance to shoot with USMC Scout Snipers out of Quantico and they were running LRA bipods on their fighting rigs). Yes the price is expensive, but in this case, you are getting an American-made product that is tier one quality.