This might be a post better geared toward English majors
Maybe it's my ADHD or maybe it's my Type A personality (or both), but pronunciations is something I get hung up on, if I'm pronouncing someones name wrong I want to get it right so I usually ask, but sometimes we hear something and realize, ooops, I've been saying that wrong for a while... so with this thread I will try to keep a running link of industry terms and names and you all can help me out.
). Don't even get me started with some Gen Xer's first names, as a product of parents from the drug induced trances of the 60's and 70's we get names like Aleeyshya but still pronounced like Alicia, okay, let's not go down that rabbit hole 
- Hornady - I've always thought it was Horn-uh-Dee but I hear so many guys saying Horn-uh-Day... which one is it?
- Heckler and Koch - this one I know, I used to think Koch was pronounced like it looks - Kahch, but it's actually pronounced "Coke"
- Kahles - Used to think this was Kay-less but it's actually pronounced Call-Us
- Ogive - used to think this was pronounced how it looks - Oh-Give (with a strong I) but it's actually pronounced Oh-Jive
- Leupold - still hear a lot of guys say Lee-Uh-Pold but as far as I know it is Loo-Pold