This might be a post better geared toward English majors Maybe it's my ADHD or maybe it's my Type A personality (or both), but pronunciations is something I get hung up on, if I'm pronouncing someones name wrong I want to get it right so I usually ask, but sometimes we hear something and realize, ooops, I've been saying that wrong for a while... so with this thread I will try to keep a running link of industry terms and names and you all can help me out.
- Hornady - I've always thought it was Horn-uh-Dee but I hear so many guys saying Horn-uh-Day... which one is it?
- Heckler and Koch - this one I know, I used to think Koch was pronounced like it looks - Kahch, but it's actually pronounced "Coke"
- Kahles - Used to think this was Kay-less but it's actually pronounced Call-Us
- Ogive - used to think this was pronounced how it looks - Oh-Give (with a strong I) but it's actually pronounced Oh-Jive
- Leupold - still hear a lot of guys say Lee-Uh-Pold but as far as I know it is Loo-Pold