Proper Lacing Method for M1Garand Leather Cheekrest


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Sep 3, 2018
Out there somewhere
Is there a proper way to lace up a leather cheekrest for Garand or M14?
There are two extra eyelets that I can't seem to work into the lace pattern, also I'm kinda thinking that G.I.'s would make it something special.
I picked up 8 stocks that were taken off M1C and M1D rifles that were sent to Capt Crunch in the 1990's. All had the cheekpads screwed into the stocks and laced up. They were untouched since whoever installed them while they were in service. Everyone had a different way it was laced up and all pretty much had different locations of where the screws were screwed in.

They had TM manuals on how to do it, but at least from this 8 I have, it seems it was very much user preference. There was a lot of variation in them.
I picked up an M1D in an auction the other day. It has the holes from the screws, but no cheek rest or screws. Does anyone have the specs for the brass screws?

(Edit) I found the specs for the screws in the TM for Field Maintenance of M1's. They were #7X1/2" round head brass screws.
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